The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 441 A Good Thing Was Interrupted With Hickeys

Chapter 441 A Good Thing Was Interrupted With Hickeys (2)
"Qingqing, okay..."

Yun Qing wanted to cry, didn't she want to attend the palace banquet later?Didn't he come here to tie her thrush hair?Why did the situation suddenly turn into sex?Although she is willing, isn't all this a bit too sudden?
Chu Limo's kiss was still going on, and Yun Qing was so distracted by the kiss.Don't you want to roll the sheets?Anyway, sooner or later it was his.She doesn't care about the time of day.

"Qingqing. You are so beautiful." Chu Limo whispered.This woman is his, and only his.Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing even tighter, causing Yun Qing to lean against the dressing table, and the things on the table were scattered all over the floor.Yun Qing's hair that had been pulled up just now also came loose, and hickey marks of different shades can be seen everywhere on her neck and earlobes.

"Li Mo, don't stay here."

"it is good."

The two went from the dressing table to the bed.The two were in the deep kiss of forgetting love, and they had completely forgotten the time outside.Just at the most important moment, tragedy happened.

"I said why are you so slow, what are you dawdling about?" The door was suddenly pushed open, and it was Nangong Jin's voice.Bai Yue was following behind Nangong Jin, only to hear Bai Yue exclaim, "" Bai Yue also blushed from shame at this scene.He could only stand there stupidly.

The good things of Chu Limo and Yun Qing were interrupted by these two people.

Time was just like that, one second, two seconds...

For a while, the room was silent.Only the sound of Chu Limo pulling the quilt over Yun Qing's body was heard.

" go on! I didn't see anything." Nangong Jin was stunned for a moment, quickly covered Bai Yue's eyes with his hands, and pulled the screaming Bai Yue back, "This boy Not suitable. It looks like a needle eye."

This scream also frightened Yun Qing, her innocence!How can she go out to meet people in the future!Yun Qing hid under the blanket in shame, not daring to raise her head to look at Nangong Jin and Bai Yue.

Chu Limo's face darkened immediately, this damn Nangong Jin.

Outside the door, there was Nangong Jin's laughter, "Go ahead, it's still early anyway."

Yun Qing hid in the bed, unwilling to come out.But if they didn't go out, they would definitely be laughed at by that bastard Nangong Jin. She could hear Nangong Jin's words clearly outside the door. As expected, sex is risky.

After dawdling in the room for a while, Chu Limo fixed Yun Qing's hair again.It's just that this time, there are a few hickeys on the neck and around the ears.The ones around the ears can be covered with hair, but Yun Qing put some powder on them, so the hickey marks on them can still be covered as long as you don't look closely.But the neck is gone.She has already spread a thick layer of powder, but it still hasn't completely covered the hickey, and there are still faint hickeys on it.But it's late at night, and no one should look at her neck on purpose.Organize yourself.Only then did Chu Limo and Yun Qing leave the room.

As soon as he left the room, he bumped into Nangong Jin who was leaning against the door and laughing.

"I said you two, you should choose a time anyway." Nangong Jin didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt for interrupting their good deeds.Instead, he was joking aside.

"Shut up. You're talking nonsense, believe it or not, I'll sew your mouth shut." Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin with a black face.At that time, he really wanted to poke Nangong Jin's eyes blind.Chu Limo glanced at Bai Yue at the side again, "Take care of your man, or don't blame me for sending him to Baihualou."

(End of this chapter)

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