The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 453 I Can Give You Time to Consider

Chapter 453 I Can Give You Time to Consider (1)
Yuhen said again: "Yunqing, marry me and be my princess."

Yun Qing directly refused this time without thinking, "Yuhen, I can't marry you. As you know, I am Yechen's wife."

"Yunqing, I don't need to say more about whether you are Yechen's wife or not. It's okay to deceive other people with what Yechen said in the hall, but you can't deceive me. You are not his wife, Yunqing, marry Me. Be my princess."

Yun Qing chuckled and looked at Yuhen, "You are wrong. I will not marry you. The only person in this world that I can marry is him, and there will be no other person."

"Why? Why him? Yun Qing, don't forget, you are my destiny."

"Yuhen, you won't understand at all." Yunqing glanced at Yuhen, and when he mentioned Chu Limo, his tone was endlessly gentle, "I love him! In this world, I will never fall in love with anyone except him. People. I'm not marrying anyone but him."

This is the first time Yun Qing admits in front of outsiders that she loves that man.That was the only person she wanted to marry.

Hearing Yun Qing's words: I love him!The hands under Yuhen's sleeves tightened, and his eyes were immediately stained with ink.She said she loved that man.Love, what kind of feeling is it?
"Yun Qing, are you really unwilling to marry me and be my princess?"

"Yes." Yun Qing said firmly.After a pause, Yun Qing looked at the person in the crystal coffin and said indifferently: "I think there is nothing to talk about between us. For the sake of our acquaintance, His Royal Highness, please let me take my mother Yun Qing is very grateful for taking it back with her."

Yuhen looked at Yun Qing, his eyes moved slightly: You know, what I want is not your gratitude.What I want is you.

"Yunqing, don't be in a hurry to reject me. I can give you time to think about it. Today, you are also tired, so go back and have a good rest. Yunqing think about what I said carefully, and when you are done thinking about it, You are telling me the result. But don’t make me wait too long, okay?” After a pause, Yuhen looked at the woman in the crystal coffin and said, “Don’t worry, Ma’am, I will take good care of you. Akabane, send Miss Yun Qing go back."

"Yuhen, are you using my mother to threaten me to marry?" Yun Qing's eyes were tinged with a chill.

Yuhen didn't speak anymore, saying that he was despicable and shameless, but he just wanted Yunqing to stay by his side, marry him, and become his concubine.He also wanted to feel what the 'love' she called was like.

But he didn't know that he used the wrong method.

"Miss Yun Qing, please." Chi Yu has already entered.Please respectfully.

"Yuhen, you'd better not force me..." to kill you.Yun Qing's tone was stern.

"Miss Yun Qing please." Chi Yu said again.

Yun Qing glanced at Akabane coldly.Now Niangqin is in Yuhen's hands, this is Yuhen's territory, she is not sure enough to take Niangqin out now.The only way now is to go out first and then figure out a way.

He had just left the Prince's Mansion, and came up to meet him ruthlessly, staring at Akabane who came out together with a serious and indifferent expression.

"Miss Yunqing, the carriage is ready. Please get on the carriage." Akabane made a respectful gesture.

"No need." Yun Qing replied coldly.People have stepped out.Ruthless immediately followed.

Chi Yu looked at Yun Qing who would rather walk than sit in the carriage of their prince's mansion, and frowned slightly: I'm afraid His Royal Highness wants to marry Miss Yun Qing, behind this is...!Thinking of this, Akabane couldn't help sighing in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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