The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 454 I Can Give You Time to Consider

Chapter 454 I Can Give You Time to Consider (2)
Behind, Wuqing has been silently following behind Yunqing.Yun Qing didn't open his mouth, and Wu Qing also kept his mouth shut and followed silently.

Yun Qing strolled on the street, still thinking about the conditions proposed by Yuhen.I couldn't help but feel extremely depressed.Here Yuhen closed the gate of the city, and now she is using her mother to force her to marry.Another thing that gave her a headache was that Li Hun San's whereabouts were unknown now.Now thinking of these two incidents colliding, Yun Qing felt helplessly depressed and wanted to kill someone.No, Yun Qing moved her hand, only to realize that she was still holding the box that Yuhen gave her.After a pause, Yun Qing suddenly thought that now Li Hun is gone.It is even more difficult to find Lihunsan now.Moreover, she didn't know when there would be problems with Li Mo's body, or when the poison would suddenly develop.She doesn't have that much time.But there is no Lihun San, so can we find another thing to replace Lihun San?Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qing's heart skipped a beat.Go back to the mansion to find Nangong Jin and ask if this method is feasible.

"Go home." Yun Qing said.

Cloud House.

"Yun Qing, you're finally back." Only Bai Yue and Nongyue were in the mansion.As soon as she saw Yun Qing came back, Bai Yue hurried up and said.

Yun Qing swept the yard, frowned and said, "What about them."

"You just left, Master Jiu also left after saying something to Nangong Jin. I thought Master Jiu went to Yuhen's house with you. By the way, Yun Qing, Yuhen has been looking for you What's up?"

Yun Qing shook his head.Looking at Bai Yue, Chu Limo didn't go to Yuhen's mansion with her, and she didn't meet her on the way here.Then Chu Limo probably didn't follow.But, why is Nangong Jin not in the house, where did Nangong Jin go?

"Bai Yue, do you know where Nangong Jin went?"

"I don't know. He left without saying a word." When Bai Yue mentioned this, she became annoyed for a while, and he didn't reply a word when she asked Nangong Jin. He left Yunfu and disappeared.

Yun Qing frowned and said: "The two of them disappeared for no reason, we will wait here."

Jinling City has been sealed, and Nangong Jin lost all his martial arts skills, so he can't leave the city alone.Therefore, Nangong Jin and Chu Limo must still be in the city.The two of them must be planning something.

"Yunqing, what are you holding in your hand?" Bai Yue also noticed the delicate box in Yunqing's hand.Looking at the box, Bai Yue seemed familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before. After thinking about it, Bai Yue suddenly remembered that this box was the one held by Yunqing's mother in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.Bai Yue said loudly: "Yun Qing, isn't this the box you saw in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion? How could it be here. You have found the whereabouts of Madam."

"Yeah. I found out the whereabouts of my mother. But this box is not the original one. The original one has been taken away."

"What about the lady?"

"At Yuhen Mansion."

"What?" Bai Yue was startled, and immediately shouted: "Why did Madam come to Yuhen's house?"

"By the way, how long has Nangong Jin been away? Did he say when he will come back?" Yun Qing didn't want to dwell on this issue now.If you want to bring your mother out of Yuhen's mansion, you still need to plan carefully. Compared with Qi's mansion, Yuhen's mansion is more difficult to enter.

Bai Yue was just about to answer Yun Qing's words, when Nangong Jin's carefree voice came from the door, "I heard you calling my son's name from a long distance away. What's the matter, I haven't seen you for a while, just want to This is my son." Then he saw Nangong Jin walking over with a playful smile on his face.Naturally, as soon as Nangong Jin approached, he also saw the box in Yun Qing's hand.Nangong Jin frowned, staring at Yun Qing, "Where did you get this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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