The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 459 It Really Is To Choose The Right Day To Do This

Chapter 459 It Really Is To Choose The Right Day To Do This (1)
In Jinling City, Yunfu.

Yun Qing was thinking, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue should have gone out of the river in the city by this time.She is not worried about Nangong Jin, because Chu Limo said that Nangong Jin's water quality is very good, and she can stay in the water for several hours without any problem.But Bai Yue, Yun Qing was a little worried.After all, it was night and underwater.There is no known hidden danger in this river.

But with Nangong Jin at the side, Bai Yue should be fine.

And now she still has one thing to worry about, which is how she will leave Jinling City with her mother under Yuhen's eyes ten days later.Although Li Mo said yesterday that Empress Deyuan would die in ten days, Yuhen would definitely open the city gate and go out of the city.But she always felt that something would happen.

Although she said: She should trust Li Mo.

In the past few days, Chu Limo disappeared every night, and in the morning, Chu Limo would appear in Yunfu.And he also made breakfast for her, and then stayed with her all day long.This situation continued for five days.During these five days, Yun Qing didn't ask anything, just quietly enjoying the moment of peace with him when the storm was approaching.

Another day passed.More than half of the ten-day period has passed.In the past few days, what surprised Yun Qing even more was that Yu Hen did not appear in the Yun Mansion, and the request Yu Hen made had already been thrown away by Yun Qing who did not know where.

As for Yuhen, he couldn't come to Yun Manor to ask Yun Qing for an answer at all right now.In the past few days, Chu Limo has been haunting at night, so it's not like going out to enjoy the night view.Instead, it caused trouble for some people.

"Aren't you going out tonight?" Yun Qing glanced at the dark sky outside, and finally couldn't help asking.In the past few days, he went out every time this time came, and didn't come back until the morning.

"Well, not going out. Stay with Qingqing." Chu Limo's words were unusually ambiguous.

Hearing this, Yun Qing's face turned red inexplicably.Suddenly, I couldn't help but think of what happened that day.It's late at night, and there are only the two of them in the room, so it's lonely.At this time, is it the easiest to do bad things?She was seduced by Chu Limo last time, but this time, if Chu Limo is acting like a beast, will she give it or not?For a while, Yun Qing was entangled in this question, and the more he thought about it, the more flushed his face became.

"Why is Qingqing's face so red?"

"Eh." Yun Qing swallowed a mouthful of water, and gave a dry laugh, "It's too hot, the room is stuffy."

"It's boring. It doesn't look like it." Chu Limo approached Yun Qing, and exhaled lightly, "Why do I feel that Qing Qing is thinking about something bad...".The last word has not yet been uttered.It was interrupted by Yun Qing's urgent voice, "'s getting late, I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

"Is Qingqing implying something to me?" Chu Limo smiled evilly, and the person had already leaned towards Yunqing, and was about to stick directly to Yunqing's body.This time, Yun Qing was furious, wouldn't this guy really want to be a beast?
"That...that..." Yun Qing said 'that' for a long time but didn't say why.Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing and couldn't help being a little funny. He originally wanted to tease Qingqing, but now that he was so nervous, he wanted to tease Qingqing's reaction even more.

"Well, what's the matter?" Chu Limo laughed evilly.He wanted to hear what interesting things Qingqing would say.

(End of this chapter)

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