The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 460 It Really Is To Choose The Right Day To Do This

Chapter 460 It Really Is To Choose The Right Day To Do This (3)
"Asshole." Yun Qing squeezed out a sentence from his mouth.

"Doesn't Qingqing just like bastards?" Squeezed out a word, and deepened the kiss.

Yun Qing's head was completely blank after being kissed, from the struggle just now, to giving up the struggle later, and enjoying it.Enjoy the pleasure he brings.Seeing that Yun Qing was no longer resisting, Chu Limo smiled charmingly.Sure enough, he had to be a hooligan to subdue him.

The love is deep and natural.There is nothing wrong with this statement.

"Qingqing, can I... can I?" He couldn't bear it anymore.These days, seeing Qingqing by his side, he has been trying his best to endure.Now, he doesn't want to bear it anymore.Anyway, Qingqing was destined to be his wife, his only wife, so why did he waste so many beautiful days with Qingqing.Especially after knowing Yuhen's thoughts on Qingqing, his thoughts became more intense.

" that okay?"

"Then hurry up." Yun Qing was already feeling very uncomfortable.Facing such a monster, she seemed to have no resistance at all.He has fallen into his beauty trick.

"Qingqing...Qingqing..." Chu Limo's tone was a little joyful, a little joyful, and a little excited.

"Stop dawdling." Yun Qing only knew that she was suffering.

"Qingqing is impatient." Chu Limo smiled softly.Qingqing's anxious appearance is really cute.But the movement did not stop, but picked up Yun Qing and walked over to the bed.

There is a saying how to say it.It seems to say that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

No, the two people in the room are in a heated battle.Outside the door, Wuqing walked over in a hurry, but when he heard the voice coming from the room, Nongyue's expression was startled at the same time, he didn't know whether to knock on the door or should he knock on the door?

in the room.

"Can you untie it? If you can't untie it, let me do it." It was Yun Qing's voice.

"This is what my master did, how can I let Qingqing do it." Here, Chu Limo replied.

"It's as troublesome as you want to untie the clothes. This clothes is really in the way, why don't you just tear it up." Sure enough, the sound of clothes being torn came from the room.Nong Yue outside the door twitched unnaturally when she heard this movement.You don't even have to think about what's going on inside.It's just that Miss's tough temper is really...

"Qingqing, you are really in a hurry."

"I'm just impatient, how about it?"

"Since Qingqing is so impatient, I should satisfy Qingqing anyway." After saying that, her lips pressed against her again.Then, the voices in the room became discordant.Nongyue outside the door didn't dare to go in and disturb her at this time.Going in at this time and interrupting the good things of the master and the young lady, she probably will die a miserable death.So she can't knock on this door.Calmly, Nongyue quietly backed away.

Nong Yue originally wanted to retreat quietly so as not to disturb the two people inside, but who knows.Just after taking a step, he stopped ruthlessly, "Where is the master?"

"Hush..." Nongyue quickly made a movement to silence Wuqing.But it was still too late, Wuqing had already walked over, and even knocked on the door to report: "Master."

Nongyue looked at the sky speechlessly.God!Come and strike him dead.

After knocking once, no one in the room answered. They knocked again ruthlessly and shouted loudly, "Master...Master."

At this moment, in the room, the two of them have reached the point of seeing each other naked. At this moment, if you ask Chu Limo to stop, it is simply a kind of torture.Hearing the voices outside, Chu Limo's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker. Now whoever interrupts his good deeds, he will kill him.

"That..." Yun Qing came to his senses when he heard the ruthless voice outside.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo's kiss stuck down again.It seems that there is no need to pay attention to the movement outside.

Outside, there was no movement after knocking ruthlessly on the door for a long time.I thought to myself, could it be that something happened to the master.Naturally, he didn't see Nong Yue's suggestive eyes either.At that time, it was estimated that Wu Qing himself would not have thought about how he would have the courage to push open that door.

Then, everything turned to petrification.Wuqing was held back by Nongyue and did not come in.If Wuqing really broke in and saw something that shouldn't be seen, Wuqing would probably be hacked to death.And a cold voice came from the room, "Get out!"

Chu Limo's good deeds were interrupted once by his dull bodyguard.Chu Limo was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.Yun Qing swears that he will not be seduced by Chu Limo's beauty in the future. It seems that before having sex with Chu Limo, he still has to choose a good date.Otherwise, it would be really hurtful!

(End of this chapter)

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