The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 467 Warmly moved Yun Mansion on fire

Chapter 467 Warmly moved Yun Mansion on fire (2)
After being sleepy all night, Yun Qing soon fell asleep.Looking at the woman who had fallen asleep peacefully, Chu Limo lightly left a faint kiss on Yun Qing's face.

"Qingqing, I found that once I kiss you, I can't stop. Tell me, what should I do with you?"

He has fallen deeply in love with this woman.I can't extricate myself now.

After this sleep, I slept for a whole morning.When I woke up in the afternoon, I was still starved by myself.

Yun Qing opened his eyes, and Chu Limo was no longer by his side.Yun Qing got out of bed, shouted a few times but did not hear Chu Limo's promise.However, there was a very fragrant smell in the room.Yun Qing's stomach was very disappointing, and he groaned a few times.

Smelling the direction of the scent, Yun Qing came all the way to the kitchen.In the kitchen, the man who looked like an immortal was cooking.Seeing this scene, Yun Qing suddenly pursed her lips and smiled, feeling a warm feeling in her heart.Isn't the life she wants just to have someone who loves her?And this man did something that no man in this era would do.Cook for a woman.

"Qingqing is really a little lazy cat." When Yunqing came to the kitchen, Chu Limo had already noticed it, and his tone was full of pampering. "Go and wash your hands. Dinner will be ready soon."

"Oh!" Yun Qing responded softly.After washing his hands, he walked towards Chu Limo gently.

Yun Qing didn't know, there was a trace of water in his eyes, whether it was moved or moved tears.Yun Qing stepped forward lightly, hugged Chu Limo from behind and murmured softly, "You spoiled me, what should I do?"

Chu Limo smiled softly, "Even if I spoil Qingqing for the rest of my life, I'm willing to spoil her like this forever. Who told Qingqing to take my heart away. In this life, I just want to spoil Qingqing." .”

"You are so kind! I am afraid that I will become more and more dependent on you, and I am reluctant to let you go." Yun Qing murmured softly.

"Then never let go, we will be together forever like this."

"Yeah." Yun Qing nodded slightly.

yes!She will never escape his tender embrace for the rest of her life.If there was a cliff ahead, she would jump off with him without complaint or regret.

"Little greedy cat, are you hungry?" Hearing Yun Qing's stomach growl, Chu Limo smiled softly.Then he came to the yard with a few prepared dishes and put them down on the stone table in the yard.He turned around and went into the kitchen to serve other dishes.Yun Qing lowered her head and smelled it, it smells really good.Yun Qing lightly took a chicken leg and began to bite.It seems that Chu Limo knew that she likes to eat chicken drumsticks, and made it specially for her.

When Chu Limo came out of the kitchen, he saw the woman disregarding her appearance, biting a chicken leg in her hand, her mouth full of oil.Chu Limo couldn't help smiling.What a greedy little cat.Soon, Yun Qing gnawed the chicken leg in his hand, and threw the chicken bone on the stone table.Then, I picked up another chicken leg and started to gnaw on it, eating one after another.Finally, the stomach is full.Yun Qing ate all the chicken legs on the plate by himself.

Chu Limo took out a clean towel, gently wiped the oil on Yun Qing's mouth, and wiped the oil stains on his hands.He smiled and said, "Is it delicious?"

Yun Qing nodded, "It's delicious. I'm really afraid that if I eat your dishes in the future, I won't want to eat other dishes."

"Qingqing likes to eat it, and I will cook it for Qingqing every day."

"Okay. Don't go back on your word." Yun Qing pretended to pull the hook, Chu Limo couldn't help but look at the childish Yun Qing in amused manner, and said with a smile: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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