The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 468 Warmly moved Yun Mansion on fire

Chapter 468 Warmly moved Yun Mansion on fire (3)
Another day passed, and in such a day full of storms, like this, they had another warm, happy and touching day.And Li Yuhen's marriage day is getting closer and closer.

For the approaching day, Yun Qing is not worried at all.She believed that Chu Limo would not just let Yuhen marry her away.She has great confidence in Chu Limo.

On the eve of the wedding day, Qi Rong came to the door at this time.

She hadn't seen Qi Rong since Qi Rong escorted her mother out of Jinling City that day.I didn't expect that Qi Rong would pick something here.The news that Qi Rong came to Yun Mansion also quickly reached Yuhen's ears.In the past few days, Yuhen knew everything about Yunqing in Yunfu.It was precisely because of this that Yuhen didn't bother Yun Qing these days.Because he was confident that Yun Qing would not be able to leave the mansion.Confident that Chu Limo has no way to take Yun Qing away.

"Your Highness, Young Master Qi has gone to Yun Mansion and wants to..."

"He always has to face this day." Yuhen said: "Order, always pay attention to the movement inside, and report at any time."

"Yes." Akabane replied.

Yuhen narrowed his eyes slightly.He couldn't feel Qi Rong's affection for Yun Qing.However, Qi Rong himself seemed to understand something.He will never forget what Qi Rong said when he came to him.

He said: You want me to help you, yes!I can help you.But, don't hurt her!

It never occurred to him that he had been with his senior brother for so many years, and he had mentioned to him several times over the years that he needed his help, but every time Qi Rong would refuse his request.Even every time he asked for his help, Qi Rong would ask him for money.But he didn't expect that this time, Qi Rong would come to him in person for that woman.He needs Qi Rong's help, so naturally he will not refuse Qi Rong's reason.

It's just that he never thought that Qi Rong also fell in love with that woman?
In the Yunfu, Yun Qing looked at the unexpected guest.

"What's the matter, sister Qing doesn't welcome me anymore?" Qi Rong smiled gently.

Maybe yes, after he chose to stand on the united front with Yuhen, sister Qing didn't kill him, it should have been for Aunt Yan's sake.

"It just feels like everything has changed." Yun Qing said calmly.

She still remembered that not long ago Qi Rong helped her kill Qi Mingyang and helped her find an antidote.Treat her like a friend, like a family member.In just a few days, everything changed.

"Sister Qing, so what if all these things are really different, you still believe me!"

Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong, "I don't know if I can still trust you. Maybe! If one day we become enemies, I will still choose to trust you once. It is not true that you and I are enemies." I understand why she feels this way about Qi Rong.Maybe it's because of my mother.Mother who reads it can't be wrong.

"Your sister Qing is enough." Qi Rong said with a faint smile, "We're leaving today, and we don't know when we'll see each other again. But please remember, sister Qing, I said that I will protect sister Qing forever and won't let anyone hurting you."

"You..." Yun Qing was taken aback.

She could clearly feel that there was something in Qi Rong's words.But when he was about to ask, Qi Rong stopped talking.Qi Rong had already looked at Chu Limo, and said calmly: "I hope you don't let her down. Otherwise, I will never let you go! You can never get close to her."

"You won't have such an opportunity." Chu Limo said.

"That's good." Qi Rong said lightly: "Aunt Yan has left Xiyue safely. Sister Qing can rest assured."

"Qi Rong...Thank you." Regardless of whether Qi Rong chose Yuhen or not, Yun Qing sincerely expressed his thanks.

"Sister Qing... I... wish you happiness." Qi Rong understands that when you love someone, you don't want to get them, but to see her happy.Instead of hurting her, bless her.Wish her happiness forever.

That night, Qi Rong left Yun Mansion, and just after he left, Yun Mansion was immediately engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

In the night, the entire Jinling City burned by the sea of ​​flames was red.


"Come on, come on! Put out the fire!"


Qi Rong stood not far away looking at the sea of ​​flames, with a faint smile on his face: Sister Qing, you will never know my heart, but I will always guard you from a distance.Sister Qing, I wish you happiness!

"Master." Xia Jin shouted from the side.

"Go back." Qi Rong said lightly.

Prince's mansion.

"Your Highness, it's not good... The Yun Mansion is on fire." The guards guarding the Yun Mansion came back to report.

"What about her? Where is she?" Yuhen's eyes sank.

"Return to Your Highness...the fire is too strong, the Yun Mansion has...already..."

This burst of fire came too suddenly.Immediately, the entire Yun Mansion was burned to the ground.Even if they wanted to fight the fire, they couldn't save it in time.

"Order to go down and guard the gate of the city strictly. Don't let a single fly out. In addition, tell the people guarding the river outside the city that if they see Yechen appear, they will be killed without mercy. Don't hurt her." Yuhen ordered.

"Yes. This subordinate will go immediately." The guard said quickly.

Yuhen's eyes sank, and he looked at the burning place with heavy eyes, and murmured: Yun Qing, are you so unwilling to marry me?But Yun Qing, you should know that I will never give up on you.

(End of this chapter)

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