The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 471 Jump off the cliff and leave

Chapter 471 Jump off the cliff and leave (3)
I do not love you!I do not love you!I do not love you!

There is also the sentence: I would rather die!I would rather die!I would rather die!
"Yunqing, are you really unwilling at all? Are you that unwilling to marry me?"

"Yes. I don't want to." Yun Qing said: "Yuhen, either let us go, or, what is left for you is my corpse."

"Sister Qing." Qi Rong shouted.

But Yuhen stared at Chu Limo at this moment, and said in a cool tone: "I don't believe you will jump from here for her."

He and Yechen are from the same school, and he thinks he understands that Yechen is a person who cherishes his life very much.He would not easily give up his life for a woman.

"You are wrong." Chu Limo finished his sentence, but when everyone was shocked, he let go of Yun Qing's waist and jumped off the bottomless cliff.Yun Qing glanced at Yuhen with cold eyes as if from hell, "Yuhen. If I don't die, see you next time. I'm not a friend anymore. I will come to take your life." Then, once shocked everyone With human eyes, Yun Qing also jumped into this bottomless abyss.The entire bottomless cliff echoed Yun Qing's words: I will definitely come to take your life.

"Sister Qing...Sister Qing..." Seeing Yun Qing jumping off the bottomless cliff just like that, Qi Rong's voice pierced his heart.

"Yunqing." Yuhen was startled.He couldn't believe this fact.He really jumped down like this, and she just jumped down without hesitation.

"Yunqing... Yunqing..."

On the edge of the bottomless cliff, there are endless shouts of Yuhen.Only his own echo answered him.

"Go down and look for it, let me go down and look for it, I must find her."

"Your Highness, those who fall off the bottomless cliff generally have no chance of surviving..." Yes.Before the last two words were finished, the captain of the imperial army who was still speaking just now was pulled out by Yuhen's sword, and he fell to the ground, dead.

"If she dies, go and bury her with her." Yuhen said coldly: "No matter what the cost, we must find her."

"Yes." All the guards responded.

Qi Rong's eyes were red, she looked at the cliff in disbelief, and she just jumped off like this.And so she jumped.Disregarding his own life and death, he followed that man.

Under the bottomless cliff.Two figures fell.Chu Limo fell down, and Yun Qing was on top.Chu Limo looked at the blue figure. He said that even if he wanted to jump off a cliff, he would definitely hold her hand tightly and never let go.Chu Limo grabbed a stone on the edge of the cliff to prevent himself from falling down.The other hand caught Yun Qing who was falling down.He held Yun Qing tightly in his arms.The two of them just hung in the air on the edge of the cliff.

"Qingqing, you are so stupid." He did not expect that Qingqing would actually jump down.He dared to jump down because he was sure that he would not really fall down and die.

"Aren't you just as stupid." Yun Qing said: "I said, we will live together and die together. I will not leave you alone."

It's just that hanging on this cliff now doesn't seem like a long-term solution.She could see that Li Mo's hand holding the stone was injured and bleeding.If the stone falls later, they will also be bloody from the fall.Yun Qing took out the silver whip that he carried with him.At this time, she needs this treasure.There just happened to be a big tree growing below, and Yun Qing threw the hooked end of the whip onto the big tree below, and the hook caught it.Yun Qing grabbed the whip with his other hand, and the two of them slid down the whip.On the edge of the cliff, fortunately, there are some trees growing, otherwise, the edge of the cliff is so smooth, the hook must not be able to catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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