The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 472 Jump off the cliff and leave

Chapter 472 Jump off the cliff and leave (4)
The bottomless cliff is really bottomless.In this way, back and forth.Haven't seen the bottom of the cliff yet.

"How deep is this bottomless cliff?" Yun Qing grabbed the whip in his hand and asked.There is no way to go on like this.

"Very deep. Below this bottomless cliff is a very deep river, and the river is very fast." Chu Limo said.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, how could he know so clearly, could he have fallen before.Otherwise, Chu Limo would have chosen such a dangerous way out of the city.As Yun Qing thought about it, Chu Limo immediately replied: "Qingqing guessed right, I fell once a few years ago."

While speaking, the branch hooked on the cliff seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the two of them at this moment, and the branch broke with a sound.The cliff was originally very smooth, but now the branches could no longer bear the weight of the two of them, and then Yun Qing's cry was heard.


As soon as the branch broke, the two of them really fell down this time.However, Chu Limo still hugged Yun Qing's waist tightly and did not let go.

When Yun woke up, he found that it was pitch black outside.Fortunately, there was a torch next to it.Otherwise, at the bottom of the cliff in this wilderness, I don't know what monsters will appear.However, she is here, so what about Li Stranger?

Yun Qing checked himself and found that nothing was lost on him, even the whip was still there.At the time she remembered the branches snapped and they just fell.At that time, she thought that the whip would fall into the river at the bottom of the cliff.

in the river?Think of the river.Yun Qing glanced at her clothes, why her clothes were dry.That is to say, Li Mo dried it for her, so where did he go?

Yun Qing picked up the torch and walked outside.Just walked not far.I saw Chu Limo coming over with a hare.It turned out that he had just gone hunting hares.

"Qingqing, you're awake." Seeing that Yun woke up, Chu Limo excitedly dropped the hare in his hand, hugged Yun Qing tightly and said, "Qingqing, do you know that you have been in a coma for three days?" gone."

Been asleep for three days?How is this going?Yun Qing was a little confused.

"I've been sleeping for three days. Then where is this place?" Yun Qing just came over and took a look with a torch, and it didn't look like it was under the cliff, because she didn't see any cliff just now, let alone the place under the cliff. river.

"This is the suburban mountain outside the mausoleum."

"The suburban mountains of Mausoleum."

Yunqing in Lingcheng knew that, that is to say, they had already left Jinling City.This mausoleum city is three days away from Jinling city.Just now Li Mo said that she had been in a coma for three days, that is to say, in these three days, Li Mo carried her from the bottomless cliff of Jinling City to the boundary of the Lingcheng City.

"Qingqing, do you feel uncomfortable?" Chu Limo was very nervous.For the past three days, Yun Qing was not injured, but she just fell asleep for three days and did not wake up.

"I'm fine... I'm just hungry." Yun Qing stared at the injured hare with bright eyes, almost drooling.It's been three days, can she not be hungry?

"It's good that Qingqing is fine." Chu Limo picked up the rabbit again and the two walked towards the dilapidated hut.

After roasting the rabbit, watching Yun Qing eat so happily.Chu Limo's frowning brows relaxed in the past few days, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

Eat enough, drink enough.Only then did Yun Qing ask: "What happened that day?" At that time, Yun Qing only remembered that after the branch broke, she seemed to be hit by something, and then she passed out, and she didn't know anything about it.

"We fell into the river, fortunately there was a broken branch, and we floated to the shore with that branch. When I woke up, Qingqing was still unconscious. After waking up, I took Qingqing to the river. Go to Jicheng. Along the way, I met many people from Yuhen, and he sent people to look for us all the way. In order not to be discovered by him, I can only take Qingqing in this wilderness."

"Then will he notice the traces of our journey?" Yun Qing said.

"Don't worry, Qingqing, the traces on the road have been erased, he will not find us." Yuhen will not find them in a short time, because he will not give Yuhen such a chance.

"That's good." Yun Qing said.In short, she doesn't want to be found by Yuhen now, not only now, but also in the future. "By the way, how long will it take for us to get to Jicheng like this?" I made an appointment with Nangong Jin at the beginning and met in Jicheng.It has been delayed for so many days now, and I don't know what happened to them.

"Ten days." Chu Limo said.

The next day, the two packed up and set off in the direction of Jicheng.But after leaving the mausoleum, Yuhen's people would not have thought that they had left.I'm afraid that Yuhen still sends people to look for her under the bottomless cliff.

As Chu Limo said, after ten days, they finally arrived in Jicheng.Yun Qing couldn't help smiling knowingly when he saw the majestic and majestic city wall that had protected the border of Great Chu for a hundred years, and they finally went home.


"En." Yun Qing, who was riding on the horse, turned to look at Chu Limo and responded.

Yun Qing seemed to understand what Chu Limo meant, and put his hand in Chu Limo's, and the two looked at each other with gentle smiles.Holding hands and riding horses.Two figures headed towards Jicheng.

At that moment, under the sunset.The hands held by the two seemed to be in response to a sentence: Hold your hand and grow old together!
We will never leave, and we will grow old together!
(End of this chapter)

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