The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 473 The Big Brother Who Appeared Suddenly

Chapter 473 The Big Brother Who Appeared Suddenly (1)
Thistle City.

Yun Qing really wanted to shout: We are back.

As soon as the two entered the city, they saw Liyou, Xiaoxiao, Nonghua, Nongyue, Wuqing and others waiting at the gate of the city.Seeing Wuqing and Nongyue, Yun Qing finally let go of her heart. Their presence here means that mother has also arrived in Jicheng safely.Back then in Jinling City, they were asked to go first. Along the way, Yun Qing was always worried that there would be no accidents.After all, Jinling City is the boundary of Yuhen.At that time, they only had Wuqing, Nongyue, Shuangshuang, Huaqing, Thrush, Forsythia, Lianxin, and Nangongjin and Baiyue who lost their martial arts outside the city. They wanted to evacuate safely. An easy thing to do.Fortunately, they arrived here safely.

But they appeared at the gate of the city and waited at this time. Yun Qing guessed that they knew they were coming back, but they didn't know when, so they came to the gate of the city every day to wait.It's just that the sun is going down now, these people are still waiting here, this feeling is enough to move Yun Qing.

"Miss, you are finally back, I miss you so much." I haven't seen you for a few months, and now seeing Yun Qing, Xiaoxiao is so excited that she is about to throw Yun Qing down. Fortunately, with Chu Limo by her side, Xiaoxiao still knows how to behave , but didn't really rush forward.

"I miss you too." Yun Qing smiled.He turned his gaze to Chu Liyou again, thinking of what Yuhen had done, thinking that Nangong Jin and Bai Yue didn't tell Liyou about this, otherwise Liyou must not know how to be sad.Looking at Li You's appearance now, he should be much better, maybe he has forgotten about Yuhen.

Just for a while, Yun Qing looked at Li You and didn't know how to speak. After all, in these short few months, she had experienced too much.She didn't want Li You to be thinking about that man Yuhen even more, if possible, she hoped that Li You could completely forget Yuhen.No longer suffer any harm.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

"Li You...I haven't seen you for a few months, how are you?" Yun Qing asked with a smile.

"En." Chu Liyou nodded, as if the innocent and happy Chu Liyou from before had returned, Chu Liyou hugged Yun Qing, "Yun Qing, I miss you so much. I don’t know, I’ve been suffocated to death these past few months. Now that you’re back, you can’t leave me alone anymore.”

"Okay, no matter where I go in the future, I will take you with me. I miss you very much these few months." Yun Qing nodded and smiled.

"A heartless girl." Chu Limo pouted.

Chu Liyou chuckled, "Of course, I miss my brother very much."

Hearing this, Chu Limo smiled with satisfaction.The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched.These two siblings are really interesting.

"By the way, Yun Qing, let's go back quickly. General Wang and Mrs. Wang are very happy to know that you are coming back. There is another surprise waiting for you. You will be even happier when you know." Chu Liyou smiled mysteriously.

Yun Qing thought, could it be that grandpa and second cousin are still in Jicheng?The last time I received a letter from my grandfather and second cousin, it said in the letter that they were already on their way to Jicheng.Seeing Li Youshen's mysterious appearance, could it really be Grandpa and the others.

Thinking that it might be Grandpa and the others in Jicheng, she hadn't seen Grandpa and the others for a long time, and she missed them very much, and her pace became faster, wishing she could go to the palace and see them right away.


As soon as Yun Qing and the others entered the door, the housekeeper of the palace shouted excitedly, "Miss...Miss is back...Miss is back." Then the housekeeper rushed to report excitedly.The housekeeper's voice, Miss is back, has already resounded throughout the inner courtyard of the palace.Before Yun Qing and the others entered the inner courtyard, the first person to rush out was Nangong Jin.Yun Qing didn't have any defenses, and then, Nangong Jin rushed up like this, hugging Yun Qing tightly with a big bear hug.

(End of this chapter)

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