The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 477 What happened back then

Chapter 477 What happened back then (3)
"Is he the baby that mother took to Donghai back then?" Yun Qing pointed at Chu Limo. Since it was him, he should know that he knew mother.Why didn't he say anything when he saw his mother in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion?
"It's him!" Nangong Jin said.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo for a look, and Chu Limo said indifferently: "I was very young back then, so I don't remember Madam's appearance very well." It was also because he saw the woman in the crystal coffin in the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion that day. When I was a human, I just felt familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw it.

Nangong Jin said again: "When he was young, he was poisoned. Later, after his father suppressed the poison for him, he forgot all the previous things. He only knew that it was our mother who brought him to Donghai for medical treatment. Yes, but I don't know who my mother is. Otherwise, after all these years, I would have found you a long time ago."

It turned out to be like this.But Yun Qing was very curious, how could mother bring Chu Limo to Donghai to seek medical treatment all the way?
At this time, Wang Qingshan sighed softly, and said: "Boy Mo's mother, that is, Concubine Li and your mother are close friends in the boudoir. This matter has always been a secret in the capital. Back then, your mother He said he and his master would leave Dachu for a period of time, and I think it was because of Mo boy."

Leaving with the master is an excuse, and the real reason is to take Chu Limo to Donghai to seek medical treatment in secret.After all, Chu Limo almost became the prince back then, otherwise, he would not have been killed at birth.

"Could it be that... the people in the palace were the ones who chased and killed my mother back then." After all the questions were solved, Yun Qing immediately thought of this question.

"No. We also checked after we came out of the East China Sea. But the royal family didn't know that mother took him away at all. Moreover, after mother disappeared, the so-called people who chased mother also disappeared." Nangong Jin glanced at Chu Limo and said.

"Then who exactly wants to chase and kill mother." Could it be Qi Mingyang?This may not be true for Yun Qing, because Qi Rong said that it was Qi Mingyang who saved his injured mother.So, who is going to hunt and kill Niangqin?
"Grandpa, did mother have any enemies before she was alive?" Yun Qing could only think of this possibility.

"Your mother was raised in a deep boudoir back then, so there is no enemy."

Since there is no enemy, who is it?

Yun Qing felt that everything was like a cloud of fog.It seems that only when the mother wakes up will the truth come to light.

"Sister, no matter who was chasing and killing my mother back then, I will definitely find out about this matter. I will not let anyone hurt you. You have to remember that your surname will be Nangong in the future, and you belong to my Penglai family in the East China Sea. Daughter, your name is Nangong Yunqing."

—— Nangong Yunqing!
So: she has an extra brother just like that.There is also a father who has never met.

Chu Limo, who had been silent all this time, twitched slightly at this moment, looked at Wang Qingshan and said, "Madam didn't have any enemies back then, but did the old lady have any enemies back then. The identity of the old lady has always been a mystery. .”

After Chu Limo finished speaking, everyone stared at Wang Qingshan in unison.Yun Qing even moved his lips, "Grandpa..."

"I met your grandmother in the frontier back then. When I met her, she was seriously injured. She told me that she was from outside the fortress. Her family forced her to marry someone she didn't like. She didn't want to, so she ran away. I came out. I rescued her in a moment of soft-heartedness. Let her follow in the barracks all the time. Back then, your grandma was as beautiful as a flower, and we got together like this. Your grandma only said that her name is Shangguan Ning. The family is in business. Because the family is in business, your grandmother is very business-minded, and has monopolized Dachu's economy in just a few years. When she married me, she brought a dowry of prosperity. But But her family has never been found. I gradually forgot about this matter later on." Wang Qingshan looked at Chu Limo, "What boy Mo means is that the person who chased and killed Yan'er was from her mother's family. related?"

"This matter still needs to be investigated. But please rest assured, the old general, I will protect Qingqing and never let him hurt her."

"What's your name, old general? Just like girl Qing, call me grandpa."

"Yes, grandpa."

"Okay, it's time for me to go back to Beijing. When you go to the East China Sea, you should go back early."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

After resting in Jicheng for two days, Wang Qingshan secretly returned to the capital, and Yun Qing and his party also quietly left Jicheng and set off towards the East China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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