Chapter 478
East China Sea Penglai has always been a very mysterious place, because the world can't find where East China Sea Penglai is, but they know that there is a small town of East China Sea thousands of miles away from Dachu.This place does not belong to any country.It exists completely independently in the world. For thousands of years, no matter how many wars it has experienced, this small town in the East China Sea has always lived a peaceful and peaceful life like a paradise.

Next to the Donghai town is the endless sea, and that sea is the land of the East China Sea.

Legend has it that above the East China Sea, there is a fairy mountain called Penglai, on which live immortals who are isolated from the rest of the world.There are many rare treasures and panacea on the fairy mountain.Therefore, countless people wanted to see the Penglai Fairy Mountain, but no one could find the real location of Penglai.

It would take at least a month from Jicheng to Donghai Town.In addition, they took Wang Luoyan with them, and they walked even slower along the way.It has been half a month, but it is estimated that there are still hundreds of miles away from the small town of Donghai.

On this day, two carriages stopped slowly in a deserted place, one was filled with Yun Qing and Chu Limo, and Wu Qing was driving the carriage.In the other one was Wang Luoyan, who had been in a deep sleep and turned into a living dead. Now, she was leaning quietly in the carriage, and the crystal coffin was lost by Nangong Jin angrily when it was outside Jinling City. .At that time Nangong Jin said furiously: His mother is a living person, only the dead need to lie in a coffin.And this carriage is also the largest, with Chu Liyou, Bai Yue, and Xiaoxiao sitting in it, so it is convenient to take care of Wang Luoyan.Originally, Yun Qing was also going to take the carriage, but they didn't know what the hell they were doing, but they said in unison that Yun Qing was not allowed to take this carriage.The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched when he heard this.But they were still driven out of the carriage by a few of them.And this carriage was driven by Nonghua Nongyue.As for Nangong Jin and Wang Ziqing, these two people completely acted as bodyguards, and they rode on horseback to open the way ahead.

"Master, it looks like it's going to rain today." Wuqing drove the carriageway.

The weather in May changed as soon as it was said. The weather was fine and clear just now, but now it was covered with dark clouds.

Yun Qing lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the weather outside. It was going to rain soon. If they didn’t find a place to shelter from the rain, they would probably be drowned tonight. Yun Qing ordered: “Find an inn to stay Bar."

"There are no houses within a radius of twenty miles around here. The nearest inn is in the next town. There is a deserted village one mile ahead. Let's go there and stay overnight." Wang Ziqing, who was sitting on the horse and leading the way, said.

Yun Qing thought for a while, "Then let's go."

But Yun Qing didn't ask how her second cousin knew so clearly.But after thinking about it, I know that the second cousin is a businessman and often travels outside.It's not far from Jicheng, presumably the second cousin has been to this area.

Sure enough, as Wang Ziqing said, there is a village that has been abandoned for a long time in one mile.Thinking about it, what happened here before, as a last resort, the people here will flee the famine.

A group of them had just arrived in this deserted village, and they found a house with two rooms that was sheltered from the wind and rain and could accommodate people.After moving Wang Luoyan who had been leaning in the carriage for another day, there was a sudden thunder from the sky, and then it rained heavily.

"It's a good thing to go fast, otherwise you will become a drowned chicken." Looking at the downpour of rain, Bai Yue looked at the deserted village, only the room of them was still lit. Light, Bai Yue couldn't help shivering.Why did she feel a little cold, and felt that this place was eerie.

(End of this chapter)

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