Chapter 479
"Bai Yue, what's wrong with you? Did you get caught in the rain?" Chu Liyou, who got off the carriage with Bai Yue, asked concerned.

"It's okay, I just feel that this place is weird and gloomy." Bai Yue looked at this deserted room with her eyes.

"This is a deserted village, of course it will be gloomy. I heard that such a gloomy deserted village is most likely to be haunted. Evil girl, be careful at night." At this time, Nangong Jin heard Bai Yue and Chu Liyou's conversation suddenly patted Bai Yue's shoulder and made a sound to scare Bai Yue.

"Ah..." Frightened by Nangong Jin, and thunder and rain again, Bai Yue was really frightened.Knowing that Nangong Jin was deliberately scaring herself, Bai Yue cursed: "Nangong"

"What's wrong with me. Hehe, are you scared, wicked girl?"

"Who said I'm afraid. My girl grew up on the mountain. This barren village can't scare me." Bai Yue snorted.

"Don't scare Bai Yue." At this time, Yun Qing also said, and Yun Qing took a look in the room, "Be careful tonight, this place must be a little weird."

"What's wrong, Yunqing, is there really..." Yunqing's sudden words made Bai Yue's frightened heart jump up in panic.

Yun Qing smiled lightly, "If there are no ghosts, I'm afraid there will be some people with evil intentions."

"That's good, we will take turns to watch the night tonight." Wang Ziqing pointed to the men here.

"Then I'm going to trouble my second cousin." Yun Qing smiled and glanced at the others, "I'll work hard tonight, everyone."

After they used up the dry food they brought, they gave up the room in the main hall to a few night watchmen to sleep in, and the women squeezed into the inner room.

"It's so late, why don't you go to sleep." After everyone else fell asleep, only Bai Yue didn't fall asleep, and Yun Qing naturally didn't sleep either.Yun Qing lowered her voice and said with a smile: "What's the matter, you can't be really scared, right?"

"It's not that I'm afraid. Yun Qing, I have a very strange feeling that something is wrong with this place." Bai Yue always felt as if something was going to happen.

Yun Qing smiled softly, Bai Yue really deserved to be a person who came out of the bandit's den, she was still very sensitive about this. "Your premonition is correct. There is indeed something wrong here. If I guess correctly, this deserted village is probably the old den of some bandit." And they entered the bandit's den.

Yun Qing took a careful look at the room from the moment he entered the door.Something was wrong at first glance.If this is really a deserted village, this room shouldn't be so clean, it should be very desolate inside.What's more, in this house, there is actually the smell of someone who stayed there not long ago.Thinking about it, the people living here knew they were coming, so they left in a hurry.

"What should I do?"

"Hush..." Yun Qing gestured and said softly, "They are here."

The sound of them coming made Bai Yue cover her mouth tightly in fright. Yun Qing looked at Bai Yue and said, "Shut up, I'll go out and have a look." Bai Yue nodded.It was natural for Yun Qing to come out from the back room, and several people in the main room also heard the movement outside.

"Qingqing, why did you come out?"

"Sister." Nangong Jin and Wang Ziqing also looked at Yun Qing and said.

"Come and see what they are going to do?" Yun Qing stared outside with cold eyes.And a group of people outside were approaching their room.She always felt that there was a strange feeling that these bandits chose to act in the middle of the night to pretend to be ghosts to scare them, and then they killed and robbed them after they fainted from fright.

(End of this chapter)

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