The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 488 Are You a Fool

Chapter 488 Are You a Fool (1)
"Sister Baiyue..."

Chu Liyou's sad cry continued.However, she still failed to grab Bai Yue's hand, and just watched her fall in front of her.

When Nangong Jin and Wang Ziqing arrived, they saw Chu Liyou paralyzed on the edge of the cliff, crying and crying a name—Bai Yue!
"Miss Liyou, what happened. Where is Miss Baiyue?" In the end, it was Wang Ziqing who asked first.

Chu Liyou held the red flower in his hand, turned around to look at Nangong Jin, and said, "This is the flower that Bai Yue picked for you regardless of her own life. She left home for you. Not far away Qianli followed here. Didn't she just love you? She followed here from Baihuzhai. But you, you rely on her to love you, so you drive her away. Now, she is really gone, you are satisfied Is it?"

Nangong Jin looked at the flower in Chu Liyou's hand, it was so dazzling.

But what about the villain?

Suddenly, Nangong Jin shouted like crazy, "Wicked girl, wicked girl, where are you? You answer me. Bad girl... you can't die without my permission, you can't die!"

But even though Nangong Jin was shouting, the only answer was the sound of the waves hitting him.And, he heard the voice of regret in his heart.He regretted it, he shouldn't have driven the wicked girl away, he shouldn't have bullied her all day long.He shouldn't have deliberately ignored the villain's thoughts knowing clearly, he really regretted it.

Do not!He doesn't believe it!

He didn't believe that the villain would die.They have gone through so many storms together.How could the villain die.Seeing that he was about to get home, how could the villain leave him behind.He is going to find her, he must go to find her.The villain must be waiting for him.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Nangong Jin's appearance, Wang Ziqing quickly grabbed Nangong Jin and shouted.All of this happened too suddenly. It was fine just now, but everything became like this. Not to mention he couldn't accept it, Nangong Jin couldn't accept it even more.

"Let me go! I'm going to find her. She's waiting for me to save her."

"I'll go with you." Wang Ziqing said.

"I'll go too." Chu Liyou also wiped away tears, stood up and said, "Sister Bai Yue will be fine. I want to get her back."

Bai Yue's heart was broken at this moment, she fell and didn't directly fall into the sea and drowned, she was probably scared to death.It was just because when she fell off the cliff, she grabbed a branch growing under the cliff, and now she was hanging on a branch that was as small as an arm.But she could clearly feel that the branches were almost unable to bear her weight.There is a possibility of breaking at any time, and she will also experience the danger of falling.So, she is really scared now, very scared.Just hanging on the branch for a while, she glanced under the sea, and then she realized that she didn't have the courage to die.

"Help... help... is there anyone... come and save me..." Bai Yue didn't dare to move, she was afraid that the branch would break if she moved, so she had to shout desperately now.Hope to let them hear their cries for help.

At this moment, Nangong Jin and Wang Ziqing.Chu Liyou and the three were walking down the mountain.When the few people had just walked halfway, they suddenly heard a voice from under the cliff.The sound was very small, but the three of them still heard it.

"It's Sister Bai Yue's voice, she..." Chu Liyou shouted excitedly.

"The villain... is the villain, she is still alive." Hearing Bai Yue's cry for help, Nangong Jin walked down the mountain even faster.

(End of this chapter)

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