The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 489 Are You a Fool

Chapter 489 Are You a Fool (2)
When the three of them came to a low rocky mountain at the foot of the mountain, standing here was just enough to see clearly the place where Bai Yue fell.

Bai Yue is wearing a whole body of red, which is so conspicuous under the shadow of the sea water.With a glance, the three of them could see a red figure hanging on the halfway up the cliff.At this moment, she is so dangerous that she is in danger of falling into the sea at any time.

"It's Sister Baiyue, what should I do?" Chu Liyou's heart arose again.

The cliff is very smooth, even if they are good at lightness kung fu, it is impossible for them to go up.Besides, there is an ocean between them and Bai Yue.If you want to reach Baiyue, you must first swim across the sea.

"I'm going to save the wicked girl."

"How do you get there? You haven't recovered your martial arts yet, so you can go up there." Wang Ziqing grabbed Nangong Jin and pointed to the halfway up the cliff, and said, "I'm going to rescue Miss Baiyue. You wait here."

"No, this sea bottom is bottomless. People who didn't grow up in this area, and people who don't understand water skills can't cross it at all. The evil girl had an accident because of me. I will save her. Go and have a look around Is there a boat? In case, the villain and I accidentally fall from above, you can catch us below."

"Then how do you go up?" Wang Ziqing stared at Nangong Jin, who was tens of meters high.And it's very smooth. Now that he doesn't have martial arts, how can he go up.

"Even if I climb, I will climb up. Don't worry, I grew up in this sea anyway, and I will be fine. It's getting dark now, go and see if there are any boats nearby." Once it was dark, Bai Yue was even more dangerous.

"That's good. Take care of yourself."

"Brother Jin, be careful. You must bring Sister Bai Yue back safely."

Nangong Jin nodded, "Don't worry."

Then the whole person jumped into the sea without any hesitation. There was a splash of water in the sea, and then Nangong Jin was seen swimming towards Bai Yue's seat as briskly as a fish.Wang Ziqing and Chu Liyou were not hesitating, they were still hesitating, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue were going to die, and they hurriedly went to find a boat nearby.

At the bottom of the water, it was simply Nangong Jin's territory.This statement is not false at all.It was obvious that there was a long distance between Bai Yue and Nangong Jin, but Nangong Jin quickly swam to the bottom of the reef.Then, climbed up along the reef.Naturally, Nangong Jin appeared here, and Bai Yue also saw it.

"Why are you here?" Bai Yue said loudly.Doesn't the fool know it's dangerous?He is dying.

"Come to save you! Otherwise, do you think I'm playing rock climbing here?"

"Who wants you to save me? Didn't you say that if I go back, I don't want to follow you anymore. Then my life and death is none of your business. Ah..." While speaking, the branch split open again, obviously unable to bear it. Hold the weight of Bai Yue.

"Stop talking nonsense, and don't move anymore. Wait for me." Nangong Jin sped up and climbed up again.

But this reef is very smooth, and it is not easy to climb up.Seeing that Nangong Jin was crawling over here with difficulty just to save herself, Bai Yue stopped talking.If it is said that she is really going to die, it is something worthy of her happiness to see him before he dies.At least she won't feel any regrets.

It is not easy for that branch to carry Bai Yue for so long.Then, the branch broke with a bang, and the rock on the branch also fell down.Bai Yue cried out suddenly, "Ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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