The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 490 Are You a Fool

Chapter 490 Are You a Fool (3)
Nangong Jin's heart tightened as she looked at Bai Yue's falling body.At that moment, he didn't know what was going on, and his footsteps flew out in the air. His lightness kung fu seemed to come back suddenly, and then he caught the falling Bai Yue.But at this moment, neither of them had any help, and the two figures fell straight into the deep seabed, but Nangong Jin still did not let go.

There was a big wave in the sea.Bai Yue was already scared to death when she fell down.But it happened to be so unlucky and impartial, it was hit when it fell, and then passed out just like that.As soon as Bai Yue fell into the sea, she sank down heavily.

In the inn of Donghai Town.

One night had passed since they fell into the sea.

Yun Qing never thought of picking a flower.When they came back, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue were drenched, Bai Yue was still unconscious, and there were many scratches on her body, and there was a big bruise on her back, such a big bruise You can tell at a glance that it was smashed by something.Fortunately, the place where it was hit was not fatal, and Bai Yue's coma was also caused by excessive fright.

From coming back to now, Nangong Jin has been guarding Bai Yue's bedside and never left.Nangong Jin's hand lightly touched Bai Yue's small face that did not surprise a man at a glance.This woman took herself captive to Baihu Village from the first time she saw her.Then he forced himself to marry her, forcing himself to marry her.Later, the fool committed suicide to show his unchanging determination.Follow him all the way here.

He may not love her, but it is undeniable that he does not resist her.

Perhaps the reason he doesn't love her is because he hates her stalking him.Think of Nangong Jin, who is dignified, what kind of woman he wants.But there is no other woman who is like her, stalking and chasing her all the way.

But or say: He likes her, but he doesn't know when he fell in love with this wicked girl.Maybe it was that night in Xiyue, when she encountered wolves regardless of her own life, she was still determined to find him.Or maybe earlier, she could commit suicide for a man she had only known for a few days, because she didn't want to marry a man she didn't love.Just because she fell in love with that self at first sight.

Now, she was risking her life for herself just to pick the flower that could restore his martial arts, but she almost died.With such a relationship, what would he do? What should he do with her?
Bai Yue on the bed opened her eyes, it hurts so much!

It really hurts!I felt pain all over my body.

But when she opened her eyes and saw a familiar figure, Bai Yue thought she was hallucinating.She remembered that she fell into the sea, didn't she die?

How Baiyue opened her eyes and the first thing she said was, "Nangong Jin, are you a fool?"

"What did you say?"

"Did I say you are a fool? It's so dangerous, you don't want to die."

"Does this son look like a short-lived person? It's you..." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, "If I don't save you, you will fall into the sea to feed the fish."

"It's none of your business if I feed the fish. Who asked you to save me." Bai Yue snorted.She still remembers what the bastard said on the mountain now.If she had known that he was such a heartless and smelly man, she would rather fall into the sea to feed the fish than see him again.

"You women know duplicity."

"Whoever said it was wrong. I didn't ask you to save me in the first place."

"You can still bicker, it seems that you are not going to die." After finishing speaking, Nangong Jin got up to leave.

"You..." Bai Yue was so angry that she was about to get up from the bed, and was accidentally pulled on her back.Bai Yue hissed in pain.It really hurts like a grandma!
"The injury hasn't healed yet, what are you doing when you get up, you don't want to die." Nangong Jin scolded.But seeing that Bai Yue was in so much pain, she still supported Bai Yue to lie down with her own hands, and said: "If you say others are fools, you are a big fool."

"I want you to take care of it! Aren't you going to leave? Since you are going to leave, you don't care if I die or not. This life is my own, and I can do whatever I want. Who are you, why do you care?" Me." Bai Yue couldn't be more angry, and said angrily.

"Wicked girl, I saved your life. From now on, it will be mine. Do you think I have the right to manage you?" Nangong Jin said.

"Then me too...well..." Before Bai Yue finished speaking, her mouth was blocked.Bai Yue stared at the man who suddenly kissed her in disbelief, and forgot to push him away for a moment.

Seeing that Bai Yue really obediently stopped talking, Nangong Jin let Bai Yue go with satisfaction.

Women are trouble!Especially if you meet a vicious woman, it will be even more troublesome.

It wasn't until Nangong Jin left her lips that Bai Yue woke up. What does his kiss mean?
He doesn't like himself, why would he do this?

"Me, what me." Nangong Jin never imagined how she would feel in her heart when she kissed Bai Yue suddenly.

Shouldn't men usually say something pleasant after kissing a woman?But why did he have such a nonchalant expression after kissing himself.He really didn't like him, and kissing himself was just a whim.

Bai Yue glanced at Nangong Jin, her tone suddenly became quiet, "You don't love me, why would you kiss me. I'm not your so-called confidante, a kiss can be treated like a joke."

"You..." Now Nangong Jin's language was incoherent.

Has this girl lost her mind?Or he broke his mind, why kiss her if he has nothing to do.

"You go. I don't want to see you." Bai Yue said lightly.

"Evil girl, you..."

"You go! Nangong Jin, if you don't love me, please don't provoke me. Don't worry, I won't pester you in the future."

"This... is the best." Nangong Jin said lightly.Then turned and left the room.

Isn't this the result he wanted most?But why did he feel uncomfortable after hearing her say that, and he seemed to have lost something important in his heart.

Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin's leaving back, she was always strong and did not shed tears, but at some point, a drop of tears actually left on her face.Bai Yue touched the tear with her hand, she actually cried for a man!Still crying for a man who didn't love her at all.

yes!That's the best way to go.After all, she has been acting affectionate for so long.At this moment, the pain on her body was not as good as the tingling pain in her heart, which made it difficult for her to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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