The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 494 Arriving at Penglai Island Father

Chapter 494 Arriving at Penglai Island Father (1)
Xiyue Jinling City, the prince's mansion.

It has been more than a month since Yunqing jumped off the cliff. For more than a month, Yuhen has not stopped searching for the bottomless cliff.He didn't believe that Yun Qing would die on the bottomless cliff.

"Your Highness." Akabane said respectfully.

"Say." Ever since Yun Qing left, Yu Hen's already indifferent face had become even darker now.

"According to reports from our people, Nangong Jin left Jicheng a month ago and headed east to the small town of Donghai." Akabane reported, "But there is no trace of Miss Yun Qing."

"Donghai Town!" Yuhen read these four words softly, "Donghai Town, Penglai Island in Donghai. They are going to Penglai."

"Your Highness, it is the legendary Penglai Island that has the panacea. But it is said that none of the people who want to go to Penglai Island can come back alive."

"Get ready to go immediately." Yuhen said.Although it was not found out that Yun Qing had gone to the East China Sea, he knew that Yun Qing would definitely not die.She wanted to save her mother so much, she must have gone to Penglai, East China Sea to seek medicine.

"Yes, Your Highness." Knowing that His Highness's decision will not be changed, Akabane replied.

And another mansion in Jinling City, Qi Mansion.

A month later, Qi Rong received a secret letter. When Qi Rong saw the contents of the secret letter, a smile finally appeared on his face, which had been frowning for more than a month.

"Xia Jin, prepare the horse." Qi Rong ordered.

After the tenth day, Yun Qing and others finally arrived at Penglai Island in the East China Sea.Penglai Island is really like what Chu Limo said, people who are not on the island can't find it at all.On the East China Sea, they have seen dozens of islands, large and small, not to mention, they haven't seen them yet.But Penglai Island is not among those dozens of islands, but is hidden in a fog.This kind of mist is said to be specially made by Nangong Jin, and it is used to hide the real seat of Penglai Island.But when Yun Qing and his party really arrived on Penglai Island, they found that they were living among dozens of islands, large and small.It's just hard to find because of the fog.The island is like a fairyland, full of peach blossoms everywhere.It is June now, but those peach blossoms are still in bloom.Presumably, it is because of the peculiarity of Penglai Island.But it only takes one glance to find that the seats of these peach blossom trees are arranged according to the formation, so if you want to enter, you must know the arrangement of the peach blossom formation, otherwise you will probably be trapped here.Therefore, the seemingly beautiful place like a fairyland is full of murderous intentions.

But with Nangong Jin leading the way, they quickly passed through the peach blossom forest and arrived at the real Nangong mansion.What caught Yun Qing's eyes was a house as beautiful as a palace.It shows its majesty everywhere, but it also shows its simplicity.It's really a place where people can feel at ease.There are many rare flowers and plants planted in front of the house, which are fragrant.

Yun Qing seemed to see that many years ago, it was here that her mother and the man she loved so much made a lifelong love affair.Then there was her and her brother here.

"This is your home... What a beautiful place." Bai Yue couldn't help but be intoxicated looking at this beautiful place like a fairyland.Since Nangong Jin kissed her last time, the relationship between the two has eased a bit, but Bai Yue still refuses to forgive Nangong Jin for driving her away so easily.

"Well. This is my home." He hasn't been back for a long time.Nangong Jin looked at Yunqing, then at the person behind Wuqing and others who were carrying her, "Sister, we are going home. This is your home. I finally brought you and mother back together. "

(End of this chapter)

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