The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 495 Arriving at Penglai Island Father

Chapter 495 Arriving at Penglai Island Father (2)
Home!This is her home.

"Qingqing... I'm home." Seeing that Yunqing was still a little nervous at the moment, Chu Limo held Yunqing's hand tightly.

However, now that they are all home, what about the owner of Penglai Island?In other words, where did her father go?

"Let's go." Chu Limo took Yun Qing's hand and walked slowly towards the house.Every step, Yun Qing walked extremely slowly, every step, my heart was full of anticipation, looking forward to what it would be like to meet my father for the first time.

But at this moment, there was only a loud 'bang', something was blown up, and then an inexplicable thing flew towards everyone.Then a clear male voice was heard in the room, "Failed again. Failed again."

Everyone was dumbfounded, what's going on?
Hearing this voice, Nangong Jin twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Yun Qing, and said, "Sister, you'd better be mentally prepared, our old man...that...that."

So, it was her father Nangong Jue who made such a loud noise just now.

"Who is speaking ill of Master behind his back?" Nangong Jin finished speaking, and saw a white shadow suddenly flying out of the room, and then the figure stopped in front of Nangong Jin, and immediately cursed: "I can tell it's you just by hearing the voice This brat is back. But, why are you back at this time? Could it be that kid is dying." The kid that Nangong Jue said was referring to Chu Limo.Chu Limo cupped his hands and said flatly, "I've seen Uncle Nangong."

Only then did Nangong Jue look at Chu Limo, "You're still alive and well, why did you come here? Isn't it a few months before you turn 21? Why did you come here so soon? I don't believe you, Uncle Nangong " Chu Limo smiled lightly, "How could that be?" Nangong Jue looked at the people around Chu Limo seriously, "Why are there so many people here, and who is this girl?" Nangong Jue pointed Yun Qing said.As for Wang Luoyan behind him, because of the blocked view, Nangong Jue didn't notice at all.

"She is the person we have been looking for for 16 years, Nangong Yunqing. Your daughter." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.How did he find out that he hadn't seen him for a few years? How did this old man become more and more unreliable?Does refining medicine make people stupid?

"What? You said she is...she is..." Nangong couldn't believe his ears.What he just heard, this female doll is his daughter.Nangong Jue looked at Yun Qing carefully from top to bottom, and suddenly murmured: "Like! Your eyes are very much like your mother. You are my daughter. I haven't seen you in 16 years. daughter." Nangongjue was so excited beyond words that he hugged Yunqing in his arms. He had been waiting for this moment for 16 years.

Yun Qing was also stunned by this scene.Is this person her father?He is so young, he looks very much like Nangong Jin.A relationship called blood ties boils in Yun Qing's blood. Does it feel like a father?She seems to feel it.

Everyone couldn't help being deeply moved by this scene, especially the two girls, Chu Liyou and Bai Yue, who were sincerely happy for Yun Qing.Glad they are finally reunited.

"What a shame." Nangong Jin pouted.How could he remember that when he knew that Yun Qing was his sister, he was not much better.But Nangong finally met his daughter whom he hadn't seen for 16 years, so he didn't care what his son said, and still hugged Yunqing and refused to let go.Under such circumstances, Chu Limo would not go up and pull Yun Qing away even if he was jealous of Yun Qing being hugged.But Nangong Jin was different. He stepped forward and pulled his unreliable father away, "This is not the only thing that makes me happy. Look who is there? Who did I bring back?"

(End of this chapter)

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