The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 496 Arriving at Penglai Island Father

Chapter 496 Arriving at Penglai Island Father (3)
Nangong Jue looked along the voice, it was... that was...

Seeing the woman whom he had been waiting for for 16 years, Nangongjue walked up to Wang Luoyan, and the first thing he said was, "You are finally back. I knew you would keep your promise and come back."

Yes, as long as she comes back, it doesn't matter if it's a human or a ghost.He has been waiting for her too!
Yun Qing walked over gently, looking at Nangong Jue, her father's feelings for her mother.She thought that she could finally understand why her mother still remembered that there was such a person who loved her deeply after she forgot about him.This man really loves his mother.She thought, even mother would never wake up.In this way, if he becomes a living dead and falls asleep, his mother will always be by his side, and he will never leave his mother's side, so he won't be separated.

Yun Qing opened her eyes, feeling that all this was like a dream.But when she opened her eyes, she was still on Penglai Island.It has been three days since I came here.Since seeing her father on the first day, her father locked himself in the room and stayed by his mother's side for the next few days. Anyone who disturbed him would be kicked out.Her eldest brother went to disturb her once, but was thrown out directly afterwards.

Then Yun Qing came to a conclusion, that is, her father only loved his wife and not his son.

"Qingqing, did you sleep well?" As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Chu Limo's face of an exiled immortal. Early in the morning, his whole mood was beautiful.

"En." Yun Qing nodded.

"Get up quickly, your favorite breakfast has been prepared." Hearing that there is a favorite, Yun Qing got up from the bed.

When she came to the hall, there were only her second cousin, Chu Liyou, and Bai Yue in the hall.Nangong Jin didn't know where to go.

"Where is Nangong Jin?" Yun Qing asked.She was already used to calling Nangong Jin by her name, and she couldn't change it if she suddenly called her elder brother or elder brother.

"He's been staying in that study since yesterday, and he doesn't know what he's looking at." Bai Yue replied.

Staying in the study, he should be looking for medicine to replace Lihunsan.When he was in Xiyue, Nangong Jin told himself that if he wanted to find a medicine to replace Li Hun San, he had to go to Penglai.Thinking about it, Nangong Jin didn't forget about it.

Yun Qing still remembers the words of that day in his heart.There are still a few months before Chu Limo turns 21, that is to say, what the old magician Lingyin said is true, and Chu Limo really won't live to be 21.

If no antidote can be found, do they only have a few months?

No, she couldn't believe the result.Already in Penglai, she didn't believe there was no other way.

After finishing breakfast, Yun Qing came to Nangong Jue's room, paused outside the room, Yun Qing knocked on the door, "It's me!"

A clear voice came from the room, "Come in."

Yun Qing pushed open the door, and the room was decorated very warmly.The mother was lying on the bed covered with peach blossoms.She remembered that her mother liked peach blossoms very much.And her father, staring at the person on the bed with gentle eyes, was unwilling to leave for a moment.

Yun Qing stood in the room and didn't know what to say.Do you call me father?They didn't get along for a long time, and she really couldn't scream.

"Your mother hasn't changed at all in the past 16 years, she is still the same as before." Nangong Jue murmured.

"For 16 years, you have always been in my mother's heart."

Nangong Jue turned around and looked at this person who resembled her very much. This was the crystallization of their love.

"I'm the one who's sorry for you, mother and daughter, for causing you to suffer so much in the past 16 years." Nangongjue blamed himself.

"I never blamed you." Yun Qing said.Ever since Nangong Jin told the whole story, she knew that he could not be blamed for this matter.Things developed like this, no one could have predicted.After all, my mother didn't tell Nangongjue her real identity back then, nor did she tell Nangongjue where she came from.Once my mother left, all the traces were erased.Come to think of it, my mother knew the danger she was in at the time, and she didn't want such a danger to hurt the person she loved the most.Yun Qing paused, looked at the person on the bed and said: "Mother...she...has never blamed you. All these years, she has always only had you in her heart."

She didn't know what happened that year.What exactly did my mother go through in those few months, causing my mother to forget what happened in Penglai, but no matter how she forgot, she did not forget that she once loved someone deeply.If it wasn't for the deep love, how could my mother never forget it.

"Can you tell me about everything that happened between you and your mother these years?" Nangong Jue said.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded and said everything slowly.During this conversation, the father and daughter had already chatted for a whole morning.But how could it be possible to finish all the events of the past 16 years in one morning.

"Qing...Qing'er, I really didn't expect that you have suffered so much these years. I'm sorry for your father." After listening to Yun Qing's story, although Yun Qing brushed off those unpleasant things, Nangong Jue still remained calm. responsibility.When his women and daughters went through those hardships, he was not around to protect them.This is his failure as a husband and a father.

"Family, don't say I'm sorry. Everything is over now." Yun Qing said.

"Qing'er..." Nangongjue looked at Yunqing, "Can you call me?" Nangongjue knew that it was too sudden for Yunqing to accept him now, but he had been waiting 16 years for this father. Over the past year, he has been thinking about their mothers all the time.

"I..." Yun Qing opened his mouth.She has never experienced her father in her past and present lives.Now that she suddenly knew that she had a father, she really didn't know how to speak.The phrase father was also stuck in his throat.

"Forget it. Wait until the day Qing'er wants to scream. I have been waiting for 16 years, and I don't care if I wait a few more days." Nangong never wanted to force her.All this is his fault.

"Father!" Yun Qing blurted out and called softly.

The father called the exit.Tears welled up in Nangong Jue's eyes, and he replied several times, "Okay, okay, okay."

His daughter was finally found.In this life, he finally has no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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