The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 504 Leaving Xueyue City of Penglai Island

Chapter 504 Leaving Xueyue City of Penglai Island (1)
Penglai Island.

Since that day, another two days have passed.For the past two days, Nangong Jue has been staying in the room researching what medicine to use and what method to use to make Wang Luoyan get better.As for what Yun Qing had asked Nangong Jue about Chu Limo's detoxification, Nangong Jue had already made it very clear.Only by finding those five medicines in the world can it be possible to cure the unfeeling Gu poison.

In the evening of the second day, Nangong Jue finally came out of the room.Seeing his appearance, Yun Qing knew that he had found a way to save his mother.Sure enough, Yun Qing's guess was not wrong at all. The first thing Nangong Jue came out was to announce that he would take his mother away from Penglai Island for a period of time, and go to the depths of the East China Sea to find a kind of flower called 'Jasper Yellow Spring Flower'. It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life.As long as she finds this 'Jasper and Yellow Spring Flower', her mother will be able to wake up.

When Yun Qing heard that this flower has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, he asked excitedly: "Then, can this flower also relieve Li Mo's unfeeling Gu?"

"I can't." Nangong Jue's words instantly knocked Yun Qing into the bottom of the valley, and his heart was half cold.Nangong Jue said again: "Li Mo is poisoned by Gu poison, or the unfeeling Gu, which is the most strange poison. It cannot be cured by Jasper and Huangquanhua. The poison on his body must be attacked by poison. Huolinghu's There is a strong poison in the blood, and Lihun San is also the most poisonous in Qimen. Then add the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum that can detoxify and save lives, and the fairy herb from the East China Sea, and the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and fairy herb are used to protect his heart. Yes. The most important thing is the Moon Spirit Flower, which can completely clear out the Gu poison in Li Mo's body. Therefore, you must use these five herbs." After a pause, Nangongjue said again: "I have also Check it out, if you really can’t find Lihunsan, maybe you can use Jasper Yellow Spring Flowers instead of medicine for Lihunsan. I’m going to go to the depths of the East China Sea tomorrow to find Jasper Yellow Springs flowers, and you all have to go to the top of the snow mountain to find Millennium Ganoderma lucidum and fire fox. Remember, the top of the snow mountain is full of dangers, so be careful."

"I see." Yun Qing responded.

After finishing speaking, Nangong Jue handed a crystal clear pill to Chu Limo and said, "This is the life-extending pill that I have developed for a long time. Remember, if you don't find the antidote, you must take it before the onset of the disease. It takes it. But..." At this point, Nangongjue paused, Yunqing looked at Nangongjue and said: "But what?" Dan, it can only protect your life for three years, and if you don't find an antidote within three years, even I can't save you. Therefore, you should not take this medicine unless it is absolutely necessary."

three years?
Chu Limo took the life-sustaining medicine.He wants to give Qingqing a lifetime, three years is really too short.

Nangong Jin stared at Nangong Jue at this moment, "Old man, the depths of the East China Sea are no worse than Penglai Island. You must... bring my mother back unscathed."

"Stinky boy, I know you care about me." Nangongjue laughed cursingly, and said again: "Okay, you don't have to worry about me anymore, this East China Sea is my Nangong family's territory after all, I will take Jasper Huangquan flower I brought it back." Nangong Jue looked at Wang Ziqing with a smile and said, "Ziqing, tell your father-in-law when you go back, and I will definitely take Yan'er back to Dachu to see his old man."

"Yes, uncle. Ziqing must bring the words with him."

"Boy, you have to take good care of your sister and your wife along the way. We will hold a grand wedding for you when your mother wakes up."

"Old man, you have to come back unscathed, did you hear that?" Nangong Jin snorted.It's just that the father and son's way of caring seems to be different from others.

(End of this chapter)

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