The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 505 Leaving Xueyue City of Penglai Island

Chapter 505 Leaving Xueyue City of Penglai Island (2)
The next day, a group of people left Penglai Island. Nangongjue took Wang Luoyan to the depths of the East China Sea to look for jasper and yellow spring flowers. Yunqing and his group first went to the top of the snow mountain to look for the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and the fire spirit fox.

As for the missing Lihunsan and Yuelinghua, Wang Ziqing went to look for them instead, because the time given to them was really running out.

This time when I left Penglai Island, I went in a different direction.Because the top of the snow mountain was at the junction of Beiyuan Country and Dongli Country, and this snow mountain just happened to stand at the junction of the two countries, forming a natural barrier.People from Beiyuan Kingdom have to cross the snow mountain if they want to go to Dongli Kingdom, but this snow mountain is full of dangers, sometimes there will be avalanches, and it is said that monsters will appear from time to time, no one has ever dared to cross the peak of the snow mountain.The same is true for Dongli Country.Therefore, if you want to communicate between the two countries, you must make a detour.But to detour, it is thousands of miles away.

After changing the route this time, we arrived at a small town on the border of Dachu after traveling by sea for about ten days.

—— Huaicheng!
To go to the top of the snow mountain, you must go to Huaicheng.

"Sister Qing, brother, you should be more careful along the way, I will wait for your good news in Dachu." Wang Ziqing looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing and said: "You can rest assured to go to the top of the snow mountain, as for Lihun Leave the whereabouts of San and Moon Spirit Flower to me."

"Thank you, second cousin. Say hello to grandpa for me." It has been a year since she came to this era. During this year, half of her time was wandering outside, so she didn't stay with her family to fulfill her filial piety.But her family has been silently supporting her behind her back and protecting her.

"Yes. You should go home early. We will wait for you at home." Wang Ziqing patted Yun Qing's head and smiled gently.

"I know." Yun Qing responded.

Yes, she has been away from home for too long, and when everything is over, it is time for her to go home.She really, really misses home and her loved ones at home.

"Okay, take care of yourself all the way." Wang Ziqing arched his hands and said.A group of people parted ways in Huaicheng.

Parting is always a painful thing.But Yun Qing swore that such a parting would never happen again in the future.

Yun Qing and the others drove northward for about half a month after sending Wang Ziqing away in Huaicheng, and the group finally arrived at a small town at the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

It is said that this snow mountain has existed for thousands of years, and the small town under the snow mountain has also existed for thousands of years.This small town seems to be lost under the snow mountain. This small town has a beautiful name.

——Snow Moon City!

It is said that the origin of Xueyue City's name is because of two people.But no one knows who these two people are.

This place does not belong to Beiyuan, nor does it belong to Dongli.And the people living in this small town come from all over the world.The people who live here are not divided into Dachu people, Beiyuan people, Dongli people, and Xiyue people.Their ancestors have lived in Xueyue City at the foot of the snow mountain for thousands of years.

And precisely because the top of the snow-capped mountain is at the junction of Beiyuan and Dongli, it is almost impossible for people to cross this natural barrier. A small road leads directly to Beiyuan and Dongli.The path was only big enough for a carriage.Therefore, in the past few decades, Beiyuan and Dongli have traveled more and more because of this small road, and Xueyue City has become a temporary place for people traveling between the two countries.In the past few decades, although Xueyue City is located in a small town under the snow mountain, it has been very prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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