The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 506 Leaving Xueyue City of Penglai Island

Chapter 506 Leaving Xueyue City of Penglai Island (3)
It was already mid-July when Yun Qing and his group arrived in Xueyue City. The weather was supposed to be hot, but it was extremely cold at this moment, because there was a snow mountain next to it, and it snowed all year round.

Yuelai Inn in Xueyue City.Yun Qing and others settled down to rest in this inn.This Yuelai Inn is the largest inn in Xueyue City. There are a lot of them, and they live in the best separate courtyard of the Yuelai Inn.

"We'll just stay here tonight, and leave tomorrow to go to the top of the snow mountain." Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou and Bai Yue.The three of Xiaoxiao said again: "There are many dangers on the top of the mountain, you just stay in the inn and wait."

"I want to go with you."

"I want to go with you."

Chu Liyou and Bai Yue said in unison.Seeing that both of them had finished talking, Xiaoxiao also said, "I will be there wherever Miss is. I will always be by Miss's side." Besides, in the past few months, she has been practicing her kung fu hard, Although she can't reach the level of Nonghua and Nongyue, she still has the ability to protect herself.

"Yeah. Yun Qing, we can't let you take risks and stay here. Don't forget, we fought side by side together." Bai Yue said.Then Chu Liyou also nodded at the side.

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo and Nangong Jin, and saw that they were silent.Finally, he nodded, "Okay then. Have a good rest tonight, and we will start tomorrow."

This way, even after driving for almost a month, I was already physically and mentally exhausted.Only when you have rested can you enter the dangerous peak of the snow mountain.As for agreeing to let Bai Yue and the others go with them, Yun Qing believes that with her eldest brother Nangong Jin around, she is not worried about Bai Yue's safety, and she has seen Bai Yue's kung fu before. As for Chu Liyou and Xiaoxiao, In the past few months, Xiaoxiao has practiced hard, and she has noticed that the two of them have similar kung fu. If Chu Liyou and Xiaoxiao fight, Yun Qing thinks that Xiaoxiao will be better outperformed.Xiaoxiao now has the ability to protect herself, so Liyou, Wuqing, Nonghua, and Nongyue are still there, so it should be no problem to protect her alone.

The next day, Xueyue City woke up early, the people who set up stalls on the street, and the merchants coming and going.The entire Xueyue City was extremely lively.

Joy Inn.

After Yun Qing had breakfast, he took the things he had brought with him and set off for the top of the snow mountain.

Along the way, they met quite a few merchants passing by, so Yun Qing and his party were inconspicuous among the crowd.These merchants all want to go to other countries through the small road at the foot of the snow mountain.But they are going to the snow mountain.But the real danger lies above the snow-capped mountains.

It is said that avalanches often occur on the mountainside on the top of the snow mountain, and monsters appear to hurt people.

When Yun Qing and his party appeared at the foot of the snow mountain, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.This is also called a path.It can also accommodate a horse-drawn carriage.This is obviously a suspension bridge, and it can no longer accommodate a carriage on it, so I said: Who is talking nonsense, saying that this path can accommodate a carriage.This is obviously deceiving.Below the suspension bridge is a river. It is said that there are people-eating things in the river. It must be a shark or a merman.The river is at least 100 meters high from the suspension bridge.This is Yun Qing's visual measurement, but Yun Qing is not sure how high it is.The river is wide and has no end in sight.The water in this river is supposed to flow into this river after the ice on the snow-capped mountains melts.But on the other side of the river, there is a virgin forest, which is endless.I heard that there are monsters that cannibalize people in the primeval forest. As for what kind of monster it is, no one has ever seen it. It is just that someone wanted to row a boat across the river at that time, but they got ashore and never came out after entering the primeval forest.

No wonder it is said that the top of the snow mountain is a natural barrier between Beiyuan Kingdom and Dongli Kingdom. No one dares to pass such a place, such a suspension bridge path.If one is not careful, if it falls, it will be dead without a place to bury it.

It's no wonder that Beiyuan Kingdom and Dongli people have coexisted peacefully for hundreds of years. No one dares to cross such a barrier rashly.Not to mention, if the two countries are at war, where will these fighters go.

But Yun Qing and the others don't need to cross the suspension bridge to go to the opposite side.They went directly to the top of the snow mountain.If they want to go up to the top of the snow mountain, they can only walk on foot, and their horses can only be led up.

The closer you get to the snow-capped mountains, the colder it gets.Even Yun Qing began to feel that the closer he was to this place, the colder he became.Among these people, all of them have internal energy, as for Yun Qing, Li You, and Xiaoxiao who have no internal energy, they only rely on thick cotton coats to keep out the cold.

After walking on the snow mountain for almost a day, I haven't even reached the halfway up the mountain.Seeing that the sky was about to get dark, once it got dark, the place would be even more dangerous. As a last resort, everyone had to find a place to stop and rest, and set off at dawn tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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