Chapter 507 Su Baiyi (1)
Top of Snow Mountain.

Everyone found a cave where they could take shelter from the wind and snow temporarily.Although this snow mountain has snow all the year round, there are still many caves on the snow mountain.It's just that not all caves can live in people. If they are unlucky and encounter an avalanche, they will be buried in this cave.

"We'll rest here tonight, and we'll take turns keeping watch," Nangong Jin said.

It is said that monsters appeared on the snow mountain to hurt people, so they had to be more careful.

No one objected to Nangong Jin's words. Wuqing, Nonghua, Nongyue, Xiaoxiao, and Chu Liyou kept vigil in the first half of the night, and Chu Limo, Nangongjin, Yunqing, and Bai Yue kept watch in the second half of the night. .

After entering the cave, Wuqing went out to look around and see if he could catch hares and pheasants.In this kind of snow mountain, there must be a lot of hares and pheasants.And Nonghua and Nongyue went to find firewood.After all, if you want to sleep here for one night, without a fire, you will really freeze into an ice sculpture.

Soon, Wuqing looked around and found nothing abnormal, and with good luck, he picked up a hare trapped in the snow in the snow.And Nonghua Nongyue and Nonghua Nongyue also picked up firewood.The firewood is all covered with ice, but it's better than nothing.The hares were disposed of ruthlessly and swiftly. Without water, the hares were washed clean with snow.Over there, Nonghua and Nongyue also set up a fire, and a trace of flame ignited, causing a trace of warmth in the icy world.Several people gathered around the fire.

Soon, Ruthless roasted the hare, divided the rabbits a little, and ate some dry food they brought.

Nibbling on the rabbit meat, Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Limo, who was pale, "It's already here, you have to stand up for me."

Because of the rush all the way, it was too late to take a good rest, and went directly to the snow mountain.In addition, the day of Chu Limo's poisonous hair was getting closer and closer. After going up the snow mountain, Chu Limo's face turned pale.Fortunately, Nangong Jin was always by his side, otherwise Yun Qing was really afraid that he would fall like this.

Chu Limo glared at Nangong Jin, and his tone was cold, as cold as the ice on the snowy mountain, "As long as you don't hold me back." That means completely giving Nangong Jin despised one thoroughly.

Nangong Jin really wanted to slap himself so hard, it's okay to care about what this bastard is doing.

As the saying goes: the scourge will last for a thousand years.

At that time, he was so small and survived the unfeeling Gu, but he knew that this scourge would not kill him.

Nangong Jin gnawed on the rabbit meat in his hand and didn't talk, but in his heart he scolded Chu Limo, a bastard. It seemed that he was happy with the scolding in his heart, and the smile on his face stretched a bit.Seeing Nangong Jin's face changing back and forth, Yun Qing just smiled helplessly.His elder brother probably won't be able to win a word from Chu Limo for the rest of his life.

"What is Qingqing thinking, smiling so happily." Chu Limo said lightly, but the latter sentence "smiling so happily" was a bit heavy.

Yun Qing pursed her lips, glanced at Chu Limo, and replied with an expression that you clearly knew what I was laughing at, but now you came to ask me on purpose, you must have said it to Nangong Jin on purpose.Yun Qing: "..."

Sure enough, upon hearing Chu Limo and Yun Qing's words, Nangong Jin glanced at Chu Limo with raised eyebrows, and then returned a look: For the sake of your sickness, I don't care about you anymore.

Chu Limo's face looks pale and terrifying now, but they also know that it will not kill him, otherwise Yun Qing will not let Chu Limo take risks on the top of the snow mountain, but let Chu Limo stay in the snow mountain. Xueyue City is waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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