The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 511: Trapped in an Avalanche

Chapter 511: Trapped in an Avalanche (2)
Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi, who is this person, how did he know that the mountain in front would suddenly avalanche, and also, he seems to be familiar with this place.

"Qingqing, don't look into his eyes." At this time, Chu Limo gently reminded Yun Qing: "This person is not as simple as we see, his eyes can bewitch people and kill people." Yu Wuxing. People, once they stare into his eyes, they will be controlled by him." Chu Limo sneered, "I didn't expect that there would be someone here with such a powerful illusion."

"Illusion." Yun Qing read.

"His illusion is somewhat stronger than Yuhen's," Chu Limo said again.

It was illusion again. She remembered that Yuhen had used illusion when he was in Xiyue. It was said that Yuhen's illusion had reached the point of being unparalleled in the world, but it took a lot of skill to perform it.I didn't expect to meet a person who can illusion here.And his illusion is those eyes.Just look into his eyes and you will be controlled.What a horrible thing this is.This Su Baiyi's illusion is a bit more powerful than Yuhen's.

"You should have killed him last night." Chu Limo snorted coldly.

"Is there a way to break the illusion." Yun Qing said.If this Su Baiyi had murderous intentions towards them, as long as they accidentally looked into his eyes, they would be restrained, and then they would kill to silence them.

Chu Limo said: "His illusion is his eyes. Even the most powerful illusion can't be used too much. Otherwise, he will only hurt himself. Looking at his weak body, it should be caused by excessive use of illusion. " After a pause, Chu Limo said again: "Looking at him, he should be seriously injured." Otherwise, Qingqing just stared at his eyes for so long, I am afraid that he has already recognized his illusion eyes hurt.

So it is said: Su Baiyi's illusion cannot be used frequently.Otherwise, he himself will be in trouble.

After thinking about this, Yun Qing was no longer afraid of his illusion.Thinking about it, Su Baiyi would not be so stupid to use illusion to deal with them, after all, they have no grievances or enmities.He couldn't afford to take his life to kill them.

It's just that this person just opened his mouth to stop them from going forward and saved their lives.Although she only looked at this Su Baiyi's eyes for a moment, she could see from this Su Baiyi's eyes that although this person's eyes were clean and transparent without impurities, those eyes killed people invisible .This man has no regard for human life at all.But when he spoke just now, he saved their group.This made Yun Qing a little puzzled, what is the meaning behind Su Baiyi's actions.

While Yun Qing and Chu Limo were still whispering, Su Baiyi spoke again, as if talking to himself, "Hey! This avalanche has blocked the way up the mountain. It's terrible. What can I do."

Indeed, as Su Baiyi said, the way up the mountain has been blocked by an avalanche.If you want to go up the mountain, you can only find another way.

"He's right. The road ahead has been blocked. It's impossible to get through. There is a possibility of an avalanche in this place at any time. We can't stay here for long. We have to leave here quickly." Nangong Jin frowned.After the avalanche, Wuqing and Nangong Jin went to check it out.After Nangong Jin finished speaking, he glanced slightly at Su Baiyi, only to see that the man had a slight smile on his lips.

"Leave here first." Chu Limo stared at Xue Beng's road with his cold eyes, then said in a heavy tone.

The road up the mountain was blocked, and a new way out was not found for a while. Seeing that the day passed like this, once it was dark, the snow mountain was full of dangers. As a last resort, everyone went back to the place where they lived for a while. night cave.

(End of this chapter)

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