The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 512: Trapped in an Avalanche

Chapter 512: Trapped in an Avalanche (3)
Wuqing took out some unburned dry wood left over from last night from the pack on horseback. It was cold here, and the dry firewood from last night was not finished. Wuqing picked it up and took away the rest of the firewood. Light the dry wood.But the night is still so long, and the snow-capped mountains are extremely cold, so there is simply not enough dry firewood for this.

"Master, I'll go out and pick up some firewood and come back to see if there is another way." Wuqing said.Chu Limo nodded and hummed.

"I'll go with you." The always cold Nong Hua said.Ruthlessly nodded, the two of them went out of the cave to find firewood, to see if they could still hunt game and find a way.

Nongyue and Xiaoxiao who stayed in the cave hurriedly prepared dinner, while Chu Liyou and Baiyue helped.It's just that they didn't bring much dry food. If they were trapped in this place, the dry food might not last long.

"Cough cough..."

"How are you?" Yun Qing asked anxiously.Ever since he came to the snow mountain, Chu Limo's physical condition has not been very good.This time, he also coughed.

Nangong Jin hurriedly stepped forward to give Chu Limo a pulse. Yun Qing stared at Nangong Jin and said, "Brother, how is he?"

Nangong Jin frowned, "The poison in his body had a sense of resistance when it encountered the icy and snowy environment of the snow mountain, which made his face pale, and now he coughed a little more seriously."

Listening to Nangong Jin's explanation, Yun Qing immediately understood.She remembered that Lingyin's old magic stick and her elder brother had told her that the poison on Li Mo's body would trigger an attack as long as it was stimulated by the outside world.Just like when she didn't know that Li Mo was poisonous, she made a joke with him and put a laxative in the grilled fish, which caused Li Mo to get sick. That time she almost died under his sword.

So this time, Li Mo was also stimulated by the cold weather in the snow-capped mountains. Will he also get sick?Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin anxiously and said, "Will he be stimulated by the special environment of the snow mountain..." to get sick.

"No. The unfeeling Gu on his body is the most yin and cold poison in the world. Now he encounters the environment on the snow mountain and his body just resists. During this period, as long as his body adapts to the snow mountain He won’t get sick in such an environment. Also...sister, haven’t you seen that this guy has never been afraid of the cold since he came to the snow mountain. He is not afraid of the cold, which means his body is already adapting. The environment here is bad." As for the reason why he coughed a few times, it was because his body was adapting to the environment.

"Qingqing, I'll be fine." Chu Limo touched Yun Qing's cheek with his cool hand.

"I know." Yun Qing nodded, "I don't allow you to have anything to do."

"Aiya...Aiya...I asked you two to pay attention to the occasion. Didn't you see that I'm still here?" Nangong Jin said that she had goosebumps when she saw the two people showing affection anytime and anywhere.Then Nangong Jin took out another pill from the bottle and gave it to Chu Limo, saying, "Although your body is adapting to this environment, if you keep coughing like this, you will be fine. I don't think that you will be carrying it with you." You go out." Yun Qing took the pill from Nangong Jin's hand and gave it to Chu Limo.Nangong Jin glanced at Su Baiyi in the distance again.This Su Baiyi didn't know what was going on, and he actually lived in the cave with them. At this moment, Su Baiyi and his servant were sitting on the other side of the cave. Had the same cough last night.

Seeing Nangong Jin staring at Su Baiyi, although Chu Limo and Nangong Jin began to scold each other when they disagreed, but when it came to something important, their faces became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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