The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 513: Trapped in an Avalanche

Chapter 513: Trapped in an Avalanche (4)
"What did you find?" Chu Limo said lightly.

"Only a little bit."

"I found something." When Chu Limo said this, he lowered his voice a little bit. In this cave, this Su Baiyi didn't know who he was, but he always felt that he was not such a simple person.

"I found out that this Su Baiyi is more handsome than me."

When Chu Limo and Yun Qing heard Nangong Jin's sudden remark, they wished they could kill the bastard, what time was it, and they still made such a joke.Besides, the joke wasn't funny at all.

"I'm serious, this Su Baiyi is really more handsome than me." Except for this, he really didn't find anything.This Su Baiyi is too mysterious.He is not a god, so he knows everything.

Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin coldly, gritted his teeth, and said, "You're talking about these useless things. Believe it or not, I'll beat you into a pig's head and throw you out to feed the snow wolves on the snow mountain." Yun Qing also felt that she This big brother is indeed itchy.

"Okay, okay. Don't be angry. Be careful not to be angry and cause poisonous hair. I am irresponsible." Nangong Jin laughed, but this time his tone became serious: "This Su Baiyi coughs so badly at night , but he is not sick at all. But he seems to be seriously injured." That means, now that he is seriously injured, and we have a large number of people, killing people to silence them is a breeze.

Chu Limo gave Nangong Jin a white look, "The reason why he coughed so badly was because he was injured by his own illusion. That is to say, he frequently used illusion too much and hurt himself. As for his serious injury, don't guess I also know the reason." It should be that someone took advantage of Su Baiyi's frequent use of illusion to injure himself excessively, and then someone seriously injured him.As for who hurt him, he didn't care.

Nangong Jin stared at Chu Limo, as if you knew everything.However, if it is said that Su Baiyi was injured by his own illusion, Nangong Jin would not wonder why Chu Limo knew.After all, Chu Limo, Yuhen, and Qi Rong are from the same school, and their masters are all masters of illusion.As for whether Chu Limo has learned this illusion, anyway, he has never seen Chu Limo use it so far, so this is a mystery.

Mention Yuhen and Qi Rong.At this moment, the two of them were heading towards the small town of Donghai, one behind the other.Yuhen arrived at the small town of Donghai one step ahead of Qi Rong.

It's just that when Yuhen arrived at the small town of Donghai, there were no signs of Yunqing and others. After inquiring about the people in the small town of Donghai, he found out that there was indeed a group of people going to sea, and the description of that person could make Yuhen Hen is sure, that woman is Yun Qing.Yun Qing must have come to Donghai to go to Penglai to find the elixir to save her mother.So, Yuhen and his bodyguard Akabane rented a boat and set off to Penglai Island in the East China Sea to look for Yunqing.

But what Yuhen didn't expect was that they still didn't meet at sea after all.The boatman hired by Yuhen couldn't find a seat on Penglai Island at all.But Yun Qing and the others left Penglai Island by another route.

Yuhen stood on the deck of the bow, looking at the vast sea.He will find her!

Closer to home, at this time on the snow mountain, in the cave, they have been trapped in this cave for five whole days.I thought that the road was blocked by an avalanche, and they could find a way, but in the past five days, they have searched almost all the roads that should be found around here, but there is no road that can lead to the top of the snow mountain. .Trapped here like this, not only will they run out of dry food, but the time will also drag on longer and longer.Chu Limo didn't have much time for them to waste here.

(End of this chapter)

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