The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 514: Trapped in an Avalanche

Chapter 514: Trapped in an Avalanche (5)
In the past five days, the only thing that made Yun Qing feel lucky was that Chu Limo's body had completely adapted to the environment on the snow mountain.The environment here is no longer irritating to him, and it won't make him suddenly fall ill.After taking the medicine given by Nangong Jin, I haven't coughed since that night.

And these five days, Su Baiyi has been staying with them in the same cave, these few days, Su Baiyi has not said a word.Instead, sit in a corner of the cave and meditate.His guard didn't say a word, he stayed by Su Baiyi's side and never left.In five days, the dry food that Su Baiyi brought was running out.And after a few days of hard work, less people saw Su Baiyi coughing these few nights.Thinking about it, during these few days of meditation, Su Baiyi was healing himself.

Finally, in the evening of the fifth day, Su Baiyi, who had been meditating for five days, opened his eyes.Slowly stood up from the ground, then walked towards Yunqing and the others, arched his hands, and said lightly: "Thank you for the past few days." As for what this thank you said, everyone could understand, he Thanks to Xie, they didn't kill anyone while he was recovering.Of course, they didn't bother with this sneak attack at all.

"We didn't do anything. You don't need to thank you." Chu Limo said coolly.That cool tone meant that he didn't want to say another word to Su Baiyi.

Now I am looking at Su Baiyi, how can I still look like a sick scholar when we met for the first time.The eyes looking at him at this moment are more crystal clear and clean than the previous few days, just as pure as the white snow on this snow mountain.It is really hard to imagine that there will be such clean eyes in the world.Obviously those eyes did not see blood, but they were clean and penetrating, without a trace of impurities.

Su Baiyi smiled faintly, "However we say now, we are also the same people who have fallen in the end of the world. It is fate to be able to get along on this snow mountain for so many days." Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Baiyi said again: "Everyone is trapped here. It’s been many days, and everyone should know that the way up the mountain has been blocked. It’s impossible to go up the mountain now. I don’t think you have much dry food. If you stay here, you can’t freeze to death. Will starve to death here."

Chu Limo glanced at Su Baiyi coldly, and sneered, "You mean, our only choice is to go down the mountain."

"Exactly." Su Baiyi said.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" Chu Limo suddenly pointed his sword at Su Baiyi.His eyes were already stained with killing intent.This is the second time Chu Limo used his sword. Yuhen was the first to let him use his sword, and Su Baiyi was the second.

Such a fast sword.Su Baiyi couldn't help being startled.But his face remained motionless.This man's sword was so fast that he didn't even see when he drew it and where he hid it.

Not to mention Su Baiyi, even Yuhen, he has never seen the speed of Chu Limo's sword, let alone where Chu Limo's sword is hidden.

"Hmph, you are the second one who can still have this concentration in my 'Asura Sword'. Mr. Su is really unfathomable." Chu Limo snorted coldly.Even his master Lingyin didn't dare to pick up his Asura Sword with his bare hands, just because the Asura Sword was a sword from hell, and the blade was full of sword energy.Ordinary people will undoubtedly die if they touch it.So he never took out the sword easily.Yuhen was the first person who forced him to draw his sword, and was able to survive under his Shura sword. This Su Baiyi was the second person who was able to survive the sword energy of his Shura sword without any damage.This Su Baiyi is indeed unfathomable.People have to guard against.

"It turns out that this is the Shura Sword. It's really extraordinary. I heard that the Shura Sword is the sword of the famous Master Yechen. I never thought that Su would be so honored to meet the legendary Master Yechen here." Su Bai Yi smiled lightly, "Su doesn't mean anything malicious, brother Yechen, can you take the sword away." Anyone who is pointed at by the sword will not feel good, let alone being pointed at by Shura's sword.That's a fatal thing if you're not careful.

(End of this chapter)

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