The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 519 The Snow Wolf Strikes

Chapter 519 The Snow Wolf Strikes (1)
Nonghua and the others quickly took care of the horse.The smell of roasted horse meat also came in bursts.This horse is only enough for the few of them for three days now, if they still can't find the way up the mountain after three days, they really have only one choice, down the mountain!

But Yun Qing also decided that if she couldn't find the way up the mountain tomorrow, it would be considered as digging a road, and she would dig it.

Several people gathered around the bonfire, eating roasted horse meat while roasting the fire.As for Su Baiyi and his guards, Yun Qing really didn't divide the horse meat between them.The two of them still had some dry food left, Yun Qing and the others ate roasted horse meat, while they gnawed on the dry food.

"Sister, do you have any plan to let Bai Xue go?"

"No plan. No matter how you say it, Baixue is also a peerless sweat horse. It would be a pity to kill it. I just let it go down the mountain to find food for us." Yun Qing said calmly.

The corner of Nangong Jin's mouth twitched, she must have asked Bai Xue to go down the mountain to find food for them.Sister, is she sure that the food Bai Xue can find is not grass?Why did he not believe it so much.

"Qingqing is sure to do this." When the night was already deep, when Chu Limo and Yun Qing were watching the night, Chu Limo hadn't opened his mouth yet but said at this time: "Qingqing's doing this is very dangerous. "

"Aren't you still by my side?" Yun Qing smiled lightly.But she was curious, whether this man could read minds, and how did he know what she was going to do.Yun Qing has not asked him how he knew.Chu Limo pampered Yunqing's nose, and smiled softly: "Well, I will be by Qingqing's side. Of course, Qingqing is mine. Of course I want to know what Qingqing is thinking. Otherwise, how could I be worthy of Qingqing?"

Yun Qing smiled lightly.There is no need to explain anything, this man understands her.

That's right!When he had the intention to kill Bai Xue, Yun Qing suddenly remembered that even if he killed Bai Xue, it would only be a temporary delay, and it would not solve the root of the problem at all.Looking at Bai Xue at that time, she remembered that this horse is extremely psychic, and it would be best for him to go down the mountain to ask for help.Su Baiyi may be puzzled when he goes down from the snow, but he won't think about what she wants to do.

Of course Su Baiyi didn't think about what Yun Qing wanted to do at that time.Because Yun Qing also suddenly became interested.She wants to dig a path out as fast as possible, and the fastest speed is to blow up a path directly.

It's just that the plan is far behind the changes.

At midnight, suddenly there was a burst of wolf howling.The sound was getting closer and closer to the cave's seat.The sound of howling wolves woke up everyone in the cave.

"This is... the sound of wolves howling. They are coming towards us." Bai Yue's hearing is excellent, and she can clearly feel the approach of these wolves.It's just that Bai Yue feels a little strange why these wolves suddenly appeared here.Bai Yue said: "Why did these wolves suddenly appear here?"

"They were attracted by the blood of horses outside. These are the unique snow wolves on the snow mountain, and they are bloodthirsty. Why, villain, are you afraid?" Even so, Nangong Jin is not at the moment Standing in front of Bai Yue with vigor, she protected Bai Yue in the seat behind her.

Bai Yue snorted, "It's a joke. How could I be afraid." Bai Yue glanced at Yun Qing and said, "Did you forget to save you in Xiyue, but I fought side by side with Yun Qing and killed a group of Wolves. Now a few wolves here can scare this girl."

Bai Yue's sound of Yun Qing made Su Baiyi stare at Yun Qing.It turned out that her name was Yun Qing!
(End of this chapter)

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