The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 520 The Snow Wolf Strikes

Chapter 520 The Snow Wolf Strikes (2)
"Wuqing, Nonghua, Nongyue, protect Liyou and Xiaoxiao." Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin and Bai Yue and sneered, "Today we will stand side by side and not leave any of them behind." After speaking, Yun Qing warned His eyes glanced at Su Baiyi, which meant that you had better not make any plans during this period.Otherwise, she would never forgive him.

Snow Wolf's voice was getting closer and closer, and he was also getting more and more excited.Because these snow wolves smelled blood.

"Be careful, they have arrived." Yun Qing reminded in a low voice.Everyone in the cave lowered their breaths when they heard the sound.

Outside the cave, a group of snow wolves surrounded the snow.That seat was exactly where Yun Qing killed the horse.At this moment, because of the snow that fell in the middle of the night, the blood stains have been covered by a thick layer of snow.But there was still a strong smell of blood coming from below.Not to mention that the snow wolves' noses are very sensitive, as long as there is a trace of smell, they can smell it.

The snow wolf spread the snow outside layer by layer.Because no food was found and stimulated by the horse's blood, the snow wolf suddenly went berserk.

And there was still some horse meat in the cave that they hadn't finished eating, and the remaining horse meat still had a residual bloody smell.Snow Wolf also quickly smelled the smell in the cave.Already headed towards the cave.

The people in the cave also became nervous.When the group of snow wolves were about to enter the entrance of the cave.Everyone in the cave was shocked.This is not one or two snow wolves, but a group of snow wolves, dozens of them.And there was a faint green light in the eyes one by one.They opened their mouths, and the fangs in their mouths were extremely sharp, as long as they were bitten by it, the flesh would be bitten off.Seeing so many people in the cave, dozens of snow wolves were not afraid at all, but walked towards the people in the cave faster.

These dozens of snow wolves startled Yun Qing and the others.There were only a dozen or so of them, but there were dozens of snow wolves in this group, but the exact number was still unknown.Maybe there are hundreds of them.

"Be careful." Yun Qing shouted loudly.The dagger in his hand was firmly in his hand.The people in the cave stared at the group of snow wolves vigilantly, and the snow wolves also looked at the group of people vigilantly.

But this time, meeting so many snow wolves, it was the third time that Chu Limo was forced to use the Shura sword.

"Qingqing, stand behind." Chu Limo protected Yun Qing behind him.As the words fell, several snow wolves had already pounced on him.The other snow wolf that rushed forward bit Chu Limo's arm tightly, but saw Chu Limo slash with Shura's sword energy, and the snow wolf that rushed forward was killed by Shura's sword immediately.But even so, there are still snow wolves who are not afraid of death and rush forward one after another.Fortunately, the entrance of this cave is not big, only three people can enter at the same time.Therefore, this also restricted the snow wolves from rushing forward.

Su Baiyi squinted his eyes at this moment, as expected, it was indeed the Asura Sword.Even the snow wolf on the snow mountain was killed with a single blow.

Chu Limo protected Yun Qing behind him, but it didn't mean Yun Qing wouldn't make a move.As long as one pounces on her, she will kill one.Over there, Nangong Jin was also protecting Bai Yue, and several of them died under Nangong Jin's sword.And the rest of Wuqing and Nonghua Nongyue didn't make a move at all, but kept protecting Chu Liyou.After all, the entrance of the cave is too small, and it is impossible for the snow wolves to come in all at once.

It's just that there are too many of them. If the fight continues like this, it will be a few of them who will suffer.At this time, a snow wolf suddenly took a step back when it encountered the fire, and Yun Qing immediately shouted: "They are afraid of fire, and the fire attacks them." While Yun Qing was speaking, he had already picked up a torch and held it to the snow wolf's head. before.Seeing this, Nangong Jin, Bai Yue, Wuqing, Nonghua, Nongyue, Chu Liyou and others also took up torches and held them in front of Xuelang.Sure enough, the snow wolves are afraid of fire, as soon as the torch gets close to them, they will retreat and dare not come forward to attack.It also gave them a breather.

(End of this chapter)

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