The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 521 The Snow Wolf Strikes

Chapter 521 The Snow Wolf Strikes (3)
At this instant, they had killed at least twenty snow wolves.But this number is far from just the tip of the iceberg.

They held up the torches, but the snow wolf did not dare to approach.They exited the cave one after another and stood guard outside the cave.

Seeing that Snow Wolf had left the cave, everyone gathered torches at the entrance of the cave.There was a fire at the entrance of the cave, and the snow wolves didn't dare to approach it for the time being.However, the torches will always be burned out, and once the torches are burned out, those snow wolves will attack immediately, and they will only be bitten by snow wolves.

"Wuqing, you go to the entrance of the cave and watch. Pay attention to safety." Yun Qing ordered.

"Yes." Wuqing took the order and immediately retreated to the entrance of the cave.You Wuqing held a torch at the entrance of the cave, and the pack of snow wolves also had scruples.

"You go too." At this time, Su Baiyi ordered the guards beside him.Su Baiyi's guards responded and took up the torches and retreated to the entrance of the cave.

For Su Baiyi's actions, Yun Qing was not at all grateful.She had been watching all the time just now, this Su Baiyi didn't move when the snow wolf came, and didn't take any action to deal with the snow wolf at all.And those snow wolves seemed to be afraid of something, they never got close to Su Baiyi's body.

"How are you guys? Are you hurt?" Yun Qing asked her humanity.


Chu Liyou, Xiaoxiao, Nonghua, Nongyue, and Baiyue said in unison.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and her elder brother again, the two of them killed the most snow wolves just now, especially Chu Limo, these snow wolves were almost all killed by his Shura sword.The others were not injured, but the clothes on the two of them were bitten to pieces.Chu Limo's white brocade clothes were already stained with scarlet blood. Presumably, when Chu Limo was protecting himself in his arms just now, the snow wolf took the opportunity to bite him.Her elder brother was fine, but his clothes were bitten, but no blood was seen.

"You're hurt." Seeing that Chu Limo was silent, Yun Qing said distressedly.

"Qingqing, it's just a small injury, it's fine." Seeing Yun Qing's distress, he also felt distressed.

"Let me see." Yun Qing carefully lifted the sleeve of Chu Limo's hand, the flesh and blood that had been bitten on it was blurred.There was distress on Yun Qing's face, this stupid man, in order to prevent her from being hurt by the snow wolf, actually used his own hands to feed the snow wolf.

"Qingqing, it's okay." Chu Limo comforted with a smile.

"I must kill all these beasts to avenge you." Yun Qing said fiercely.

Fortunately, they have wound medicine with them.Chu Liyou and the others hurriedly filled a pot of snow, let the fire turn into water, then heated the water, first cleaned Chu Limo's wound with hot water, and then Yun Qing carefully helped Chu Limo He took medicine and bandaged the wound.

"Brother..." Seeing the bloody wound on his brother's arm, Chu Liyou was so distressed that he was speechless.In the past 20 years, my brother has suffered enough from the heartless poison, and now he is injured again.But she couldn't protect her brother, and kept worrying and protecting her brother.

"Silly girl, brother is fine."

Chu Limo's casual words made Chu Liyou feel even more distressed and wanted to cry.

"Don't worry, brother Jin is here, he will be fine." Nangong Jin patted Chu Liyou's shoulder and said.

Here, Su Baiyi said at this moment, "Guys, once the fire goes out, we will all become delicacies in the stomachs of snow wolves. Let's quickly think about how to deal with them."

"Naturally, kill all these beasts." Yun Qing said harshly.She would never let anyone they dare to hurt her, no matter if it was a human or an animal.Yun Qing suddenly stared at Su Baiyi, and sneered, "Just now, these snow wolves seem to be very afraid of Mr. Su. I don't know why, Mr. Su, can you tell us about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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