The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 526 Introducing the wolf into the room

Chapter 526 Introducing the wolf into the room (4)
"It's Ningluxiang." Nangong Jin frowned, staring at Su Baiyi, "You have Ningluxiang, who are you?"

"Sure enough, it can't be hidden from the eyes of the famous Nangong genius doctor. It is indeed Ningluxiang, but is it really that important who Su is? You just need to know that Su is not your enemy."

"It's better. Otherwise, no matter who you are, my Asura Sword will never let you go." Chu Limo warned coldly.

"Since this is the case, please allow Su to go down and prepare. Just relying on the fragrance of condensed dew will not be able to deal with the snow wolf on the snow mountain." Su Baiyi finished speaking and walked out of the cave.The guards behind him followed suit.

When Su Baiyi had already left the cave, Yun Qing looked at her elder brother puzzled and asked, "What is Ningluxiang?"

Others were also curiously waiting for Nangong Jin's answer. Nangong Jin said: "The condensed dew fragrance is extracted from the fat of various animals, but to extract the best condensed dew fragrance, you must kill the most vicious Just refining a bottle of condensed dew requires killing hundreds of ferocious animals. But only a drop of condensed dew is needed to wear on the body, and ordinary beasts dare not even take half a step. But the snow on the snow mountain Wolves are the most ferocious wolves in the world, they are not afraid of the dew fragrance. The only possibility is that the dew fragrance on Su Baiyi is the best in the world, and I have not smelled the dew fragrance on his body at all. There is also something added to the condensed dew fragrance that makes the snow wolf really afraid." As for what it is, he really didn't smell it.

"The origin of this Su Baiyi is not simple." Chu Limo said: "After going up the mountain, you must be careful."

Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin, Bai Yue, and Chu Liyou stood at the entrance of the cave, watching Su Baiyi beside the corpses of the pack of snow wolves in the snow not far outside, seeing Su Baiyi's appearance, It should be extracting the fat of those snow wolves to make condensed dew.Yun Qing now has some doubts that Su Baiyi promised to help at that time, whether he had already made up his mind.Using their hands to kill wolves, he extracts the condensate from the fat of wolves.If this was the case, they would have been tricked by Su Baiyi long ago.

"What is he doing?" Chu Liyou held back the discomfort in his heart, although he couldn't see Su Baiyi's movements clearly, it was still disgusting.

"Extract oil." Yun Qing said calmly.She has also seen such things as killing animals and extracting the fat from animals.Her master had done it in her previous life, but she never liked it, so she didn't learn it.It was precisely because of this that when Su Baiyi asked Xue Lang to take them away from here, she never thought of this way.

In a short while, Su Baiyi completed the extraction.But Su Baiyi said that there is still one thing missing, and he needs to go to the snow mountain to find it.Yun Qing and the others didn't stop Su Baiyi, and let him go.

"My really want to help them go up the snow mountain. What if..." Halfway through the speech, Su Baiyi glanced at the guard beside him with indifferent eyes, and the guard immediately stopped talking and did not bring up this topic anymore.But when he remembered the corpses of hundreds of snow wolves outside just now, he couldn't help worrying: "Young Master, these snow wolves were raised by the Great Elder, so you just killed them all... The Great Elder knows... he will go Sue the lord, son, you..."

"Hmph. Ling Feng, don't forget who you are. So what if he is raised by the elder, if he dares to trick me behind my back, don't blame me for not being merciful to him. Today He just killed his wolf, he dared to use these dirty tricks, the next time he will die will be his great elder." Su Baiyi said coldly.

"Young master... Now that the second elder is not here, he offended the first elder. He will go to the master to file a complaint. Young master, you..." Ling Feng worried.

"You think I'm afraid he won't succeed." Su Baiyi said harshly: "Ling Feng, I'm warning you once, you belong to me. If you don't want to die, you'd better keep your mouth shut. "

"Yes." Ling Feng replied respectfully.His life was saved by the young master, and he will only obey the young master's orders.

Soon, I don't know what Su Baiyi went looking for and came back soon.When I came back, I dripped a drop of condensed dew on everyone.Condensed fragrance is colorless and odorless.Once the clothes are stained, they cannot be washed off unless they are replaced with a new one.

"Now that the fragrance of condensed dew has dripped from your body, the snow wolf will not dare to attack you. What we need to do now is to lure the snow wolf over." Su Baiyi asked.

"This is easy, the snow wolves are bloodthirsty, and they will definitely come over if they smell blood." Yun Qing stared at the unfinished horse meat, which was still dripping with blood.He ordered: "Ruthless, throw this piece of horse meat outside."

"I'm afraid not. There are corpses of a group of snow wolves here. Even though the corpses of snow wolves have been buried in heavy snow now, the bloody smell of snow wolves is still very strong. It covers up the smell of horse blood. Snow wolves will not come over here." Yes." Su Baiyi interrupted: "However, horse blood is not good, but human blood is..."

"Su Baiyi...what tricks do you want to play?" Chu Limo stared at Su Baiyi with his cold eyes and said fiercely.

"He is right. The smell of blood from snow wolves covers up the smell of horse blood. Horse blood cannot attract snow wolves. The only thing that is better is to use human blood." At this time, Nangong Jin took the words.Seeing Nangong Jin's words fell, Chu Limo suddenly shot out the Shura sword, which cut through the arm of the guard Ling Feng behind Su Baiyi, and blood flowed out immediately.Chu Limo stared at Su Baiyi coldly and said, "This is not blood. Don't waste it."

The corners of Yun Qing, Nangong Jin, and Su Baiyi's mouths twitched, damn it, they should be ruthless and quick.What a vengeance!
(End of this chapter)

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