The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 527 Reaching the Feng Clan 1 halfway up the mountain

Chapter 527 Reaching the Feng Clan Halfway up the Mountain (1)
Ling Feng walked outside with his bleeding arm, and dripped the blood on the snow.After doing all this, they just need to wait for the snow wolf to arrive.

It is midnight now, and this time is also the favorite time for wolves to come and go.The snow wolf likes to come out in the middle of the night to look for food.

The cave was quiet, they were all waiting for the Snow Wolf to arrive.

"Woo..." The sound of howling wolves came.

"They are here." Yun Qing whispered.

As Yun Qing finished speaking, nine snow wolves came from outside the cave.The nine snow wolves sniffed in the snow, and what they smelled was the blood of the guard named Ling Feng.The snow wolf who smelled blood began to howl frantically.They kept pawing the snow with their wolf claws, looking for their prey.

Originally there were nearly 200 snow wolves, but last night, ten of them almost killed two hundred snow wolves, leaving only these nine.At that time, Chu Limo used the Shura sword, almost killing a dozen snow wolves with one strike.It was precisely because of this that eleven of them were able to kill so many snow wolves in one fell swoop.

"Everyone, get ready." Su Baiyi said at this time.

The man in white has already slowly walked towards the snow wolf outside the cave.Seeing this, Yun Qing and others also followed.

Snow Wolf smelled them, retreated subconsciously, and stared at Yun Qing and the others vigilantly.But just dare not come forward to attack.

Su Baiyi walked in front of the wolves, these snow wolves were raised by the elder, he grew up here, these wolves naturally knew him.So, when he approached, Snow Wolf didn't hurt him, but rubbed against Su Baiyi's hand with a docile look.

Seeing this scene, everyone was startled.

Yun Qing even narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Su Baiyi to size him up: Who is this person from?Even if she was being stupid, she could tell that the wolves were not afraid of him, nor did they intend to hurt him. On the contrary, Su Baiyi and the wolves seemed to have known each other for a long time.

I don't know what Su Baiyi did, but the other snow wolves also calmed down meekly.

"Okay." Su Baiyi said lightly.

Then I saw Su Baiyi leaped lightly and sat on the back of the snow wolf, but the snow wolf was not angry or manic.Seeing this, Chu Limo stretched out his arms to hug Yun Qing and jumped slightly. The two of them had already sat firmly on the back of another snow wolf.There are only nine snow wolves here, but there are eleven of them.However, Yun Qing and Chu Limo sat at the same end, Li You and Nong Yue, Xiao Xiao and Nong Hua, and Wu Qing and Su Baiyi's guard Ling Feng were left alone.

"Evil girl." Nangong Jin stretched out his hand.

Bai Yue just took a look at Nangong Jin, and then she didn't take Nangong Jin's hand, but sat on the back of a snow wolf by herself.Nangong Jin gritted his teeth angrily, and retracted his hand.

After everyone got on the snow wolf's back, they didn't know what Su Baiyi said.They just felt a gust of wind blowing by, and by the time they realized it, Snow Wolf had crossed the blocked road extremely quickly.In less than a stick of incense, they had already reached the halfway up the snow mountain.

Coming up from the snow wolf's back, Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi, this Su Baiyi was really skilled, not only in illusion, but also in communication with animals.Just now he was whispering in that snow wolf's ear. Although she didn't understand, she was sure that Su Baiyi was communicating with the snow wolf at that time.Otherwise, Su Baiyi wouldn't have confidently said to let Snow Wolf lead them the way.

"Everyone, Mr. Su has already brought everyone there safely. I think everyone is going to the top of the mountain. Mr. Su is on a different road from everyone, so I won't bother you anymore. Mr. Su will take his leave first, and we will meet later." Su Baiyi said with a smile as he cupped his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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