The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 529 Reaching the Feng Clan 1 halfway up the mountain

Chapter 529 Reaching the Feng Clan Halfway up the Mountain (3)
Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, "You mean to say that Su Baiyi may be a descendant of the Feng clan at that time."

"It is said that the Feng clan back then possessed a peculiar ability, and it was precisely because of this unique ability that the Feng clan has been in charge of the country for thousands of years. This Su Baiyi's whereabouts are strange, and all signs show that he and the Feng clan There is an inescapable relationship." When he saw Su Baiyi's eyes and saw him using illusion to control the hundreds of snow wolves, he had suspected it.It's just that he was only skeptical at the time, not sure.But today, when Su Baiyi used an illusion to disappear halfway up the mountain, he can be sure that his suspicion was not wrong.

"If he is really from the Feng clan, this snow-capped mountain is the hidden place of the Feng clan. Then we..." Yun Qing is now worried, will they still be able to get the blood Ganoderma lucidum smoothly?Also, when leaving, why did Su Baiyi deliberately tell them these things about the blood ganoderma?Did he want them to take it, or did he want them to take it?
"If Su Baiyi really wanted to harm us, since this is his territory, he should have done it a long time ago. Since he didn't do it, it means that he still has some scruples. We must rush to the top of the mountain as soon as possible. Before the rest of the Feng clan find out, get the ganoderma lucidum and leave here." Chu Limo said.

Now they are halfway up the mountain, and there are still two days away from the top of the snow-capped mountain. If they drive overnight tonight, they can reach the top of the mountain before the morning of the next day.But they still miscalculated.From the moment they reached the halfway up the mountain, they fell into an infinite loop, going around and around, and kept circling halfway up the mountain.Intuition told them that they were lost.No, I said more firmly: They broke into the array arranged here.

"How about it, can you tell what kind of formation this is?" Chu Limo and her eldest brother are the only ones who understand the formation here.Now Yun Qing is really annoyed, why didn't she learn more skills from her monstrous master back then.Looking at it now, she can't help at all.After coming here and getting in touch with the people here, Yun Qing realized more and more that she was becoming more and more useless.She seems to be able to kill people and know a little bit of fur poisonous art, she seems to know nothing.Even the lightness kung fu, she has learned it for a long time, but she has not learned it.Even Xiaoxiao has learned it, but she just can't.So now Yun Qing doubts her abilities more and more.

If Chu Limo knew what Yun Qing was thinking, he would definitely say: Qingqing, being able to kill people is enough.If you know other things, do you still want to live!

"Give me half an hour." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and said disapprovingly.After all, he is also the young master of Penglai Island in the East China Sea, and they also set up formations on Penglai Island, so this formation cannot trouble him.Of course, Penglai Island not only arranged formations, but also released his Nangong family's unique mist in the formations.Once a person breaks in, he will get lost in the formation and mist.So the world has been unable to find the location of Penglai Island.

Nangong Jin told him to give him half an hour, but everyone stopped arguing with him and rested aside.

Chu Limo's arm bitten by the snow wolf is still not healed, so he stopped to rest now.Yun Qing removed the gauze and reapplied the medicine for him.Fortunately, here is a snow-capped mountain and the weather is cold, so the wound did not become inflamed and festered.

"Until the wound is healed, you must not do it again." Yun Qing said.

This man didn't know that he felt sorry for him at all. He obviously had injuries on his hand, so he didn't pay attention at all when he shot.After removing the gauze, seeing the hideous appearance of the wound, Yun Qing suddenly remembered what Su Baiyi said when he left, that snow wolf was poisonous.The poisonous snow wolf bit Li Mo, and the poison entered the body along with the wound.It's just that the snow wolf is poisonous, why didn't her elder brother find it when he checked Li Mo's wound.With her elder brother's medical skills, she should have discovered it long ago.

How did Yun Qing know that the little wolf poison had already been absorbed by the heartless poison in Chu Limo's body.That's why Nangong Jin didn't pay attention at that time.Even if he noticed it at the time, Nangong Jin knew that this little bit of chamaejasma would not harm Chu Limo.

"With Qingqing here, this wound will heal soon." Chu Limo said indifferently: "Qingqing, don't worry, that wolf's poison won't work on me." Naturally, it won't work, he It will not be caused by this stimulus.

Snow Mountain Underground Palace—White Clothes Palace!

"My lord, they have been trapped in the formation for almost an hour." Ling Feng respectfully reported from the side.

"Small formations won't be able to trap them all." Su Baiyi pulled his lips with a half-smile, but his eyes were empty.He said again: "You follow them secretly, and help them when necessary so that they don't let them discover you. Also remember, don't let those old guys discover their whereabouts."

"Yes." Ling Feng hesitated and nodded.

Ling Feng didn't understand why his son brought these people in.Could it be that the young master really wants these people to take away their most precious treasure on the snow-capped mountain—the Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum?
How did Ling Feng know that what Yun Qing and the others wanted was not only the Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum, but also the fire spirit fox that guarded the blood Ganoderma lucidum.

Half an hour later, Nangong Jin really found a way to break the formation.

"Haha, Master is really too smart." Nangong Jin laughed happily and couldn't help but praise himself.The people on the side listened, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching.Lord, you are too narcissistic.

"Stop talking nonsense, break the formation quickly." Chu Limo glared at Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo unhappy and raised his eyebrows and said, "You can do it, come here."

Then, Chu Limo broke a popsicle from a branch, and then used his palm force to hit the popsicle toward the west entrance. The popsicle shattered with a bang.The place where they stood also changed suddenly.When everyone reacted, they realized that they had returned to the seat halfway up the mountain where they had parted ways with Su Baiyi.

Nangong Jin suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction, "You have seen through the formation a long time ago, why do you want me to break the formation. You are playing tricks on purpose."

Chu Limo said lightly, "I just wanted to see how long it would take you to break through this formation. It really didn't disappoint me, it took half an hour." That tone made Nangong Jin completely despised.

"What kind of formation is this?" Yun Qing helped his forehead when he saw that the two were about to fight regardless of the occasion.

"Ice formation. The people who arranged this formation took advantage of the unique environment of the snow-capped mountains to use ice as the formation. We can't break through the formation, and if we don't come out for an hour, we are afraid that we will freeze to death inside. The only way to break the formation is to use ice in the formation. All the ice cubes were broken." After hearing Chu Limo's explanation, Yun Qing finally understood, no wonder he just heard the sound of all the ice cubes breaking.This person forcibly destroyed the ice formation with brute force.

After hearing Chu Limo's words, Nangong Jin snorted, "It's nothing special. Didn't you just break the formation with brute force?"

"Let's go quickly." Chu Limo said.I'm not discussing the problem of breaking the formation with Nangong Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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