The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 530 The Strange Old Man

Chapter 530 The Strange Old Man (1)
It took about a day to leave the mountainside, and they were still some distance away from the top of the mountain.

"Let's rest here tonight. This is close to the top of the mountain, and we can reach the top of the mountain tomorrow. The road is difficult to walk at night, and it's not safe to walk at night." Yun Qing said.Especially Liyou, Baiyue, and Xiaoxiao, they were exhausted after traveling for days.They can take it.A few of them are going to be overwhelmed.

"Sister said yes. I'm starving to death."

"You guys go and dispose of the rest of the horse meat." Yun Qing looked at Nonghua Nongyue and the others and ordered.Fortunately, the remaining horse meat was not used to lure the snow wolves over, otherwise, their only remaining dry food would be gone.However, there is not much horse meat left now, only enough for tonight.Tomorrow, I can only look on the mountain to see if there are any game and kill a few.

I have to say that there are quite a lot of caves on this snow mountain.If there is no cave to escape the cold, they really don't know where to sleep at night.

In the cave, a fire was lit.It gave this cold cave a little warmth.Nonghua Nongyue and the other two also handled the horse meat quickly, and now they only need to roast the horse meat to eat.Sprinkled some seasoning on the horse meat.Put it on the campfire for a roast.When the oil dripped onto the fire, there was a sizzling sound, and the smell of roasting horse meat spread throughout the cave.

In another cave not far away at the moment.One who couldn't tell whether it was a snowman or a snowman sniffed his nose.

"It smells so good! Who is here to eat the barbecue? I haven't smelled such a smell for a long time, old man." The snowman swallowed his saliva.Then, with an extremely quick movement, he disappeared into the cave.

Nonghua Nongyue divided the remaining horse meat into nine portions.Just right, there are nine of them, and the remaining horse meat is only enough for the nine of them.

"Master, Miss." General Nongyue had already roasted the meat, and handed the divided horse meat to Chu Limo and Yun Qing first.Here, Nonghua also handed over Nangong Jin, Bai Yue and Chu Liyou's share.The rest are just a few of them.

"After eating these, I really don't know what to eat tomorrow." Bai Yue bit off a piece of meat and chewed slowly.She was really reluctant to eat the only piece of meat.

Chu Liyou smiled and said: "There will be a way. If it's not possible, we can go and see if there are any wild vegetables and dig some back tomorrow." She has lived in Lingyin Temple for more than ten years. Those days, there is nothing to do Some of them would go to the mountains of Lingyin Temple to dig wild vegetables to cook and eat.Back then, the master praised her for her good cooking skills.Although Chu Liyou also knew that it was impossible for wild vegetables to grow on this snow mountain.However, if people from the Feng clan live in this place, then they also need to eat and drink. They can survive in this place for so many years, which proves that there must be food here.

"I hope so." Bai Yue said.

"Don't worry, I'm here with brother Jin, I won't let you go hungry." Nangong Jin patted his chest to assure him.

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin, "Brother wants to find the food storage place of the Feng family." Yun Qing quickly understood the meaning of Nangong Jin's words.If there is still food to be found here, it is only the Feng family who live on this snow-capped mountain.Their Feng clan lived here, so there must be a place to store food.

However, I know that the Feng family is on this snow mountain, but I don't know where they live.This snow-capped mountain is huge. If you want to find it, you may not be able to find it for three days and three nights.

"My younger sister is smarter." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.He was indeed interested in the food of the Feng clan.

(End of this chapter)

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