The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 539 The Poor Nian Fox Demon Wants To Cry Now

Chapter 539 The Poor Millennium Fox Demon Wants To Cry Now (1)
Huo Linghu stared at Chu Limo and Yun Qing, showing its sharp fox fangs.

This fox is extremely ferocious. It seems that if you want to take its blood, you must kill it first.Otherwise, you can't get its blood at all, and you will be injured by it.

Chu Limo also knew that this Huolinghu was no better than the group of snow wolves at the foot of the mountain.Already holding the Shura sword in his hand, he will strike at any time.

"Stop...don't kill it." Nangong Jin's voice suddenly came over. When Nangong Jin came up to the top of the mountain to find these two people, he saw that this guy actually took out the Shura sword to kill the fox, and immediately panicked. Nervous to the throat.They came here just for the blood of Ganoderma lucidum and this fire spirit fox.It's useless to kill this Huolinghu now to get blood.Fortunately, he appeared in time to stop it, otherwise, this guy would have killed the fox with a single sword.

Nangong Jin quickly explained: "You must find the other four before you can use the fox's blood as medicine, otherwise, you will not be able to cure your unfeeling Gu at all."

This stumped Chu Limo and Yun Qing.This fox is so vicious that it is already very difficult to get blood close to him, but now he still needs the blood of a living fox.

"We must find a way to tame this fire fox and bring it down the mountain." Nangong Jin said again.


"Are you sure this is the Huolinghu we're looking for." Yun Qing asked the question in his heart.

"That's it. Our Nangong family has records. The lifespan of the fire spirit fox is so long that no one knows how long they can live. According to our Nangong family's records, this is the only fire spirit fox that is still alive in this world." Yes, according to records, this fire spirit fox has lived for more than 200 years. It has changed from the original red fox fur to snow white. After changing to snow white fox fur, it will not It's changed. And at this time, the fire spirit fox, its blood is the best medicine. Therefore, you must not kill it. If you kill it, it will be gone."

After listening, Yun Qing was shocked.There are really foxes in this world that can live for thousands of years.This fellow is completely a thousand-year-old fox demon!

Yun Qing said that she wants to be quiet now.What kind of bizarre and unbelievable world has she been reborn into!
After the shock was over, Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin and said, "Brother, then you have a way to tame it." Since their Nangong family has a record of the fire spirit fox, there should be a way to tame this fire spirit fox.Nangong Jin shook his head, expressing that he was really helpless, "You really think your elder brother and I are gods. It's not easy to tame this fire fox."

"Since you can't tame it, then why did you come up the mountain? Didn't you tell you to stay at the bottom of the mountain? You're leaving, what about the old man?" Chu Limo said in a deep voice.

"If you don't come, this Huolinghu will not be killed by your sword." Nangong Jin snorted.

Yun Qing pouted and looked at these two people, what time is it, and you are still in the mood to bicker here.Now it's time to think about how to tame this fire fox.Of course, none of them saw that Fire Fox staring at them suddenly with an innocent face.Huo Linghu must be thinking in his heart now, these people are really strange people!
"Stop arguing, both of you, and think of a way to tame it, and bring it down the mountain is the business." Yun Qing said in a deep voice.

This is embarrassing, it can't be killed, and it is almost impossible to tame it.

"Since you can't kill it, then seriously injure it. Just make sure it doesn't die." After thinking for a while, Chu Limo and Yun Qing spoke at the same time.After the words fell, Chu Limo mentioned the Shura Sword once.And the fire spirit fox felt a strong murderous intent, and seemed to understand the conversation between the few people. With a sound of "咻咻...", the fox ran away in an instant.If you don't run now, when will you wait.It wouldn't be foolishly waiting to be slaughtered by humans.

(End of this chapter)

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