The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 540 The Poor Nian Fox Demon Wants To Cry Now

Chapter 540 The Poor Millennium Fox Demon Wants To Cry Now (2)
"Oops!" Nangong Jin suddenly yelled, with a look of frustration on his face, "I forgot to tell you one thing. This fire fox has lived for more than 200 years, and it can understand us. Most of the words."

"Then you didn't say it earlier." Yun Qing gritted his teeth angrily and glared at this unreliable elder brother.

"It should be nearby, it can't run very far." Chu Limo stared at the pool of blood on the snow.That was when Huo Linghu was fighting with the silver snake just now, Huo Linghu was bitten by the silver snake.The bloodstains left behind are the proof.Chu Limo said: "We can find its hiding place by following these bloodstains."

The blood trail went all the way in the direction in front of them, and Yun Qing and Chu Limo hadn't had time to walk in that direction just now.The three chased after the blood trail and stopped at the entrance of a small cave.And the blood stains disappeared after arriving here.The entrance of the small cave is neither too big nor too small, probably only allowing a five or six-year-old child to climb through it.And a few of them are adults.Can't get into the cave at all.Even Yun Qing couldn't make it through.

"This fox must have hid in the cave. If it doesn't come out, how can we do it?" Nangong Jin said.

And this cave does not know how deep it is.If it keeps hiding inside and can't come out, there is nothing they can do.

"If it doesn't come out, then we will force it out." Yun Qing said harshly.A gleam flashed in his eyes.

"How does my sister want to force it out?" Nangong Jin said.Chu Limo also looked at Yun Qing with raised eyebrows, and he also wanted to know what Qing Qing would do.

"This cave is not big, and it should be straight through. If it doesn't come out, we'll put smoke on it to force it out. If it doesn't come out, then let it turn into a smoked and roasted fox. Big brother, you go to the back and see Whether there is a back door, don't let it escape. Today, this girl will smoke the thousand-year-old fox demon."

Sure enough, you can't offend a woman.Especially a woman with such cruel means.Nangong Jin silently mourned for the friends around her in her heart. If you marry his cruel sister, you will be blessed in the future.With this vicious younger sister as a comparison, Nangong Jin suddenly felt that the wicked girl was much better.

"You stay here first, don't let it run away, I'll go get some firewood." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said again.

"How can I let Qingqing do the hard work of collecting firewood. Qingqing is here to watch, and I will come whenever I go." Chu Limo spoils Yunqing all the time.Someone wanted to take this job, Yun Qing didn't stop her, she nodded and watched Chu Limo leave.Not long after, Chu Limo picked up a lot of firewood, which was wet.So when it burns, the smoke is very thick.The cave is directly connected, so when the smoke blows in, the fire spirit fox hiding inside has nowhere to escape.Choked by the thick smoke that floated in, he fled around in the cave.There is Nangong Jin blocking the back of the cave, and Nangong Jin also deliberately moved a stone to block the small hole at the back.So Huo Linghu could only be smoked by the smoke sadly.

There was a 'squeak, squeak' sound in the cave.Huo Linghu was smoked inside and wanted to cry without tears.I think it has lived for thousands of years, but this is the first time someone has blocked a fox in a cave to smoke it.After being smoked, even if it is not smoked to death, it will be smoked to death.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' the fire spirit fox was still making painful noises.Hearing the sound, he was getting closer to the entrance of the cave. Presumably, this fox wanted to rush out.Of course, as soon as it rushed out, it would immediately be blocked by Chu Limo and Yun Qing who were guarding outside the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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