The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 541 The Poor Nian Fox Demon Wants To Cry Now

Chapter 541 The Poor Millennium Fox Demon Wants To Cry Now (3)
With a piercing sound of '嗖...', Huo Linghu rushed out from the cave.Then, Huo Linghu himself did not expect that just after he escaped from that smoky cave, his paw was scratched by this hateful woman again.The Huo Linghu that escaped stared fiercely at Yun Qing and Chu Limo, showing its sharp fangs.It seemed to be aiming at an opportunity, ready to pounce on the woman who scratched it at any time.

Here Nangong Jin heard the movement and rushed over, and the three of them surrounded Huo Linghu tightly.Of course, they also knew that this fire spirit fox was not something to be easily messed with. This thing was no worse than a snow wolf, it was more dangerous than a snow wolf.If you accidentally get scratched by its claws, it is highly poisonous.Therefore, the three of them were neither far nor close to the fire spirit fox.The three formed a triangle and surrounded the fire spirit fox.Chu Limo held the Asura Sword, Yun Qing held the dagger of Xueyin's soul, and Nangong Jin, his weapon was the silver needle he used to save people.

Seeing that another person appeared and surrounded him tightly, Huo Linghu also became manic.There was an impatient 'squeak squeak' cry.The fox also seemed to see that Shu Yunqing was the weakest among the three, and it was also this woman who hurt him just now.Huo Linghu leaped lightly towards Yun Qing.This extremely fast movement is unbelievably fast.Yun Qing didn't avoid it either, but stared at the fox that was pounced towards him with a dagger.

She was betting, betting on the chance that the fire spirit fox would pounce on her.As long as the fox leaps towards him and attacks him, it will never escape the round of attacks from Chu Limo and her elder brother.So, this time, Yun Qing didn't dodge, even if Yun Qing wanted to dodge at this moment, it would be too late, Yun Qing could only stare straight at its extremely fast pounce.


"younger sister."

The two shouted in unison and shot at the same time.

The sword energy of Chu Limo's Shura sword slashed straight at the fox, and Nangong Jin's silver needle also shot out at the same time, hitting the damn fox.

Huo Linghu was injured by the sword energy of Chu Limo's Shura sword, Nangong Jin's silver needle, and Yun Qing's dagger at the same time.The body fell straight down in mid-air, and then made a 'squeak' sound.But its claws still scratched a slight scar on Yun Qing's neck.


"younger sister."

At this moment, the two of them ignored the seriously injured fox in the snow, and hurriedly walked in front of Yun Qing.Seeing the slight bloodstain on Yun Qing's neck, Chu Limo's eyes turned cold, "Qingqing, how can you be so stupid. You don't know that this fox is poisonous. If this fox dares to hurt you, I will kill it. "Seeing the bloodstain on Yun Qing's neck, Chu Limo held his sword now, and only had one thought, to kill this damned fox.Huo Linghu understood Chu Limo's words, and lying in the snow with serious injuries made a 'creak creak' sound.

"No." Yun Qing quickly grabbed the man who lost his composure and wanted to kill Huo Linghu to avenge him. This Huo Linghu was related to his life. She finally won this bet, how could she let him kill him? did it.Yun Qing said: "It has been seriously injured by us, don't kill it." These words are not pleading for Huo Linghu, but Yun Qing's full affection for Chu Limo.

Hearing this woman's words, Huo Linghu squeaked twice more.

Huo Linghu couldn't help thinking: What the hell is this woman doing, she wanted the smoke to kill her just now, but now she wants to let her go, what the hell is she doing.Also, why was the smell of that woman's blood so familiar just now?The breath of that blood was exactly the same as that of that person thousands of years ago.Huo Linghu lay dying in the snow, his blue eyes staring at Yun Qing, is this woman the one he has been waiting for for thousands of years?

Of course, the three of them would naturally not know what Huo Linghu was thinking.

Nangong Jin also quickly took Yun Qing's pulse, his eyebrows frowned, he was scratched by Huo Linghu, but there was no sign of poisoning.This is how the same thing?But thinking that my sister was not poisoned, this is a blessing in misfortune.

Yun Qing touched her neck with her hand, and only felt a little tingling at the moment when it was scratched, but now she doesn't feel it at all.

"Don't worry, there is no poisoning." Nangong Jin took his hand away and gave Chu Limo and Yun Qing a reassuring look.

Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing tightly in his arms, "Qingqing, fortunately you are fine."

Qingqing is fine, you can let this damned fox go for now, and take its blood when the time comes, and he will avenge today's revenge for Qingqing.

Nangong Jin wanted to go to the ground to pick up the dying Huo Linghu, but before he got close, Huo Linghu felt the threat, bared his fangs and glared at Nangong Jin fiercely as a warning, so it should not be carried by this man.

Although Nangong Jin didn't understand why it scratched his sister just now and why her sister wasn't poisoned, he knew that Huo Linghu was poisonous.So I didn't dare to really get close like this, otherwise, it would be bad to be bitten by this fox.

Huo Linghu finished warning Nangong Jin, and then stared at Yun Qing with a pair of faint blue eyes aggrieved, which meant, I only touch you.Yun Qing looked at the fox, and at that moment, seemed to understand its meaning.

At that moment, for unknown reasons, Yun Qing walked over to Huo Linghu.He walked up to Huo Linghu and squatted down, looked at it, and said, "You want me to pick you up."

Huo Linghu understood Yun Qing's words, blinked and squeaked.Then the whole fox body rubbed towards Yun Qing's body.Sure enough, it was its familiar breath.It's just very strange, this woman's aura is very weak, as if she was deliberately suppressed.Otherwise, it should have just been felt the first time he saw her.It was only now that she felt this familiar breath, and it was only after it scratched her neck and smelled that smell in her blood.

"You perverted fox. What are you doing?" Yun Qing was furious, and grabbed the damned perverted fox, and threw it hard into the snow.This damn fox actually ate her tofu.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' was yelled by the fox that fell into the snow.

In the blink of an eye, the fox, who was lying on the ground dying just now, jumped up from the snow and landed on Yun Qing's body. Then, he hugged Yun Qing's neck, as if sucking blood!

The painting style changed so fast that even Chu Limo and Nangong Jin didn't react to it.But when Chu Limo saw the damn fox eating clear tofu, his face immediately turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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