The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 550 The night is still long

Chapter 550 The night is still long (2)
It just so happened that Su Baiyi came to invite the two of them to go over, and he clearly heard what Chu Limo said behind him.The corner of Su Baiyi's mouth twitched when he heard Chu Limo's words behind him. He shouldn't have offended this master, right?
I don't know if Chu Limo knew that Su Baiyi was coming, so he deliberately told Su Baiyi.

But because of the arrival of Chu Limo and Yun Qing, Baiyi Palace really prepared a welcome dinner.Of course, the only people present were Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Su Baiyi, Su Wudao, and the fire fox brought by Yun Qing.Ling Feng acted as the door god.In this huge palace in white clothes, Chu Limo, Yun Qing and a fox came. Now there are only five people and one fox.

The dinner was held in the main hall of the Palace of White Clothes.When Su Baiyi invited Chu Limo and Yun Qing over, Su Wudao was already sitting there waiting.Seeing Yun Qing coming, the fire spirit fox happily ran in front of Yun Qing and screamed.

Chu Limo glared at Huo Linghu unhappily. This fox also hated it and came to fight him for it.Feeling Chu Limo's cold gaze, Huo Linghu shuddered, it was so scary!But his body rubbed against Yun Qing's side even more.

So, now he not only has to guard against people and fight with him at any time, but also guards against an annoying thousand-year-old fox.

Yun Qing curled her lips, looked at the man who was holding her hand, and let it go without being jealous.Now even the dry vinegar of a fox is not spared.She really wondered if this man had fallen into the vinegar jar.

"Girl, what are you doing standing still, come and sit down quickly." Su Wudao shouted happily.

Chu Limo pulled Yun Qing to the seat on the other side.Glaring at Su Wudao, it means that you are an old man who is about to die, and you are not as handsome as a grandpa, so it is best not to make a clear idea.Su Wudao just smiled when he received Chu Limo's unfriendly eyes.Are his intentions that obvious?
Well, he was indeed planning on this girl, but he didn't have the intention of eating tender grass, okay?So can this kid stop looking at him with that strange look, it's scary!

Chu Limo and Yun Qing were not polite to Su Wudao either.In the past half month, they either ate dry food or horse meat, and they hadn't had a good meal.They made a feast to entertain themselves, and they didn't eat for nothing.Only when you are full can you work hard!

'Zhizhizhizhi' Huo Linghu was lying beside Yunqing's table, he had already grabbed a chicken leg in his paw and bit it in his mouth, but his eyes were still staring at the chicken leg on the plate, drooling.Seeing Huo Linghu staring at the chicken legs on Yun Qing's plate, Chu Limo reached out and took the plate over.

Huo Linghu squeaked again and protested in dissatisfaction.

But the protest was ineffective, Chu Limo would not pay attention to this hateful stinky fox.Qingqing likes to eat chicken legs the most. Qingqing hasn't eaten this plate of chicken legs yet, how can this stinky fox eat up all of them.

Here one person and one fox are fighting.Huo Linghu stared at the plate of chicken legs that Chu Limo took away, and kept squeaking, seeing that Chu Limo didn't give him chicken legs to eat.Huo Linghu threw himself into Yun Qing's arms again, screaming non-stop for all kinds of grievances.

That means: I want to eat chicken legs.I want to eat chicken legs.I want to eat chicken legs.Relying on his good martial arts, this man bullied me, a fox.Woman, you have to decide for me, the fox!It's only been two days since I got along with this fox, but she understands the general meaning of this fox.However, regarding the various grievances of this fox, who pretended to be pitiful, Yun Qing was a little dumbfounded.Why does she feel that the fox's biggest enemy has become Chu Limo from now on?
(End of this chapter)

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