The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 551 The night is still long

Chapter 551 The night is still long (3)
"Give it to eat." Yun Qing brought over a plate with chicken legs.Seeing this, the Huo Linghu squeaked happily, and then used its poisonous claws to destroy all the chicken legs on the plate.After the disaster was over, he looked at Chu Limo with a proud face and let out a squeak.That means: the whole body of this fox is poisonous, and the claws are also poisonous. Now the chicken legs have been touched by the poisonous claws of this fox. Do you dare to eat it?
Seeing that no one was competing with him for the chicken legs, Huo Linghu happily gnawed on the chicken legs on the plate.

Yun Qing stared at the corner of Huo Linghu's mouth and twitched. Didn't this guy come from a thousand-year-old fox demon?No matter how she looks, she looks like a complete foodie.And it's a black-bellied thousand-year-old fox demon.This is blatantly provoking Chu Limo!
"I cooked it." Chu Limo gritted his teeth angrily.I was provoked by a fox for the first time.

Yun Qing hurriedly comforted him, for fear that the man would cook the fox if he got excited.

"It's just a waste of a pot of water if you cook it. It's full of poison, and you can't eat it even if you cook it." What Yun Qing said made Su Wudao and Su Baiyi on the side stunned. If this fox is not poisonous , you really plan to cook it!

"Dead fox, dare to snatch Qingqing's chicken legs. I don't care if you are poisonous or not. I will boil you anyway and throw you into the river under the snow mountain to feed the fish." Chu Limo gritted his teeth.

Huo Linghu squeaked, the provocation means you come to cook!Boil this fox, without the blood of this fox to save you, you must be dead.

Fortunately, Chu Limo didn't understand Huo Linghu's provocative meaning, otherwise he would really cook this stinky fox in anger.

It's almost enough for a meal, seeing that Chu Limo won't cook Huo Linghu really.Yun Qing didn't forget that there was still business to do.Yun Qing looked at Su Wudao, and said: "This girl has come to the Feng clan with you now. Now, can Protector Su tell me how to get that handbook?" Yun Qing also thought at the time After that, if you want to get the letter, you still need Su Wudao's help.

"Ten days later, the Feng clan will hold a grand blood sacrifice ceremony in the Holy Land. On that day, all the members of the Feng clan will come to participate in this grand ceremony. After the blood sacrifice, our spiritual girl will take everyone to the Holy Land to give Worship to the ancestors. When the time comes, you can take this opportunity to enter the Holy Land together." When he said this, Su Wudao took a special look at Yun Qing.

"The girl is waiting for ten days." Yun Qing said.Now there is no other way but to wait.The ceremony that Su Wudao mentioned ten days later is the best way to let them sneak in.At least there were so many people that day, they wouldn't be discovered if they mixed in.After finishing speaking, Chu Limo and Yun Qing got up and left.

"Girl, you just left."

Yun Qing turned her head, if she didn't leave like this, wouldn't she still be counting the stars with them here?But for the sake of Su Wudao's information, Yun Qing smiled back, "Thank you Su Protector and Mr. Su for your warm hospitality. I am very satisfied with this meal."

The corner of Su Wudao's mouth twitched, the question he wanted to ask hadn't been asked yet.This girl was obviously bullying the old man, and he could only look at the backs of Chu Limo, Yun Qing and the fox leaving.Forget it, the future is long, if this girl is really the person he is looking for, it will not be too late to ask this question.Now, he was looking forward to the grand event ten days later.

"Master, do you think she will be the spiritual girl of our Feng clan who has disappeared for more than ten years. She doesn't have any aura of a spiritual girl on her body." Su Baiyi stared at the direction where Yun Qing left and said calmly.With a fire spirit fox, it can't explain anything at all.

"She doesn't have it. Could it be that the woman Shangguan Meng'er has it? Besides, this girl has Huo Linghu from our Feng clan. Huo Linghu doesn't easily get in touch with people. We are here After living for so many years, have you ever seen Huo Linghu being docile to anyone?"

"If she is really the spiritual girl of our Feng clan who has disappeared for more than ten years, if one day she knows that you are plotting against her, does Master think that she will show mercy to you just because you are a protector?" Su Baiyi sneered With a sound, he had seen how ruthless this woman was in those few days.

Su Wudao chuckled, "Girl, she is a bit fierce and has a bad temper. But I believe that when the day comes, girl... Besides, one day she will know... It depends on you..." Girl She wouldn't do anything to him either.In the following words, Su Wudao said something meaningful.

"What's up to me? The master wouldn't think that she would look at my face, so let's be merciful." Su Baiyi sneered.

"Stinky boy. The teacher hasn't asked you yet. Where have you been these past few months?" The painting style suddenly changed, Su Wudao stared at Su Baiyi and said loudly.Obviously, Su Wudao wanted to put aside this topic.After all, his apprentice is too smart.

Su Baiyi looked at Su Wudao with a look on his face, master, are you suffering from dementia again, "Master, have you forgotten? Didn't the master ask the apprentice to go to Beiyuan country to find someone for you three months ago?"

"And the man. Did you find it?"


"Dead." Su Wudao said loudly, "How did he die?"

"I killed it. It's not what the master said. As long as you find this person, you will kill this person. There is one more thing, the master should check it out. There are some people around you. Don't be killed that day." People plotted, but Master was kept in the dark." Su Baiyi said calmly.

"You thought the master was a vegetarian, and didn't know that there were things that eat inside and outside around you. But you, according to the girl, you helped them kill all the snow wolves raised by the old poison."

"He dared to plot against me, so killing his snow wolf was a warning to him." Su Baiyi's eyes flashed coldly.This time when I went to Beiyuan Country, if it wasn't for the fact that someone who was cheating appeared around my master and leaked his news, how could the Great Elder's people just appear and attack him when he was going to deal with that person.

"Just kill it. It's time for the old poison to give a warning, otherwise he really thinks that the people in the White Clothes Palace are easy to bully." Su Wudao said disapprovingly.

So I say: This is what you indulged, master.

(End of this chapter)

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