The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 564 One accidentally killed someone

Chapter 564 I accidentally beat someone to death (1)
White Clothes Palace!
Here, Shangguan Piaomiao has brought a group of people to the White Clothes Palace aggressively.Shangguan Piaomiao is the Great Elder, and the guards outside the palace in white couldn't stop him at all.

"Old Poison, you brought a group of people into the White Clothes Palace, what do you mean? Do you still take me as an Elder Dharma Protector seriously?" Su Wudao bit the last sentence very hard, meaning to remind Shangguan Piaomiao, he is not only the second elder of the Feng clan, but also protects the Dharma.And his Shangguan Piaomiao is just occupying the position of Great Elder.

"Hmph, since you know that you are still the guardian elder of the Feng Clan, then you should understand what kind of crime it is to hide outsiders in the White Clothes Palace." Shangguan Miaomiao was not a vegetarian either, and countered with a cold snort.As soon as Shangguan Piaomiao came in, he saw Yun Qing and Chu Limo.That venomous gaze was fixed on Yun Qing even more, it was this woman who hurt his Meng'er.Seeing that the day of Li Xue Sacrifice is coming, as soon as the blood sacrifice comes, Meng'er will become a spiritual girl, how can Su Wudao speak in this Feng clan.However, all of this is now ruined by the woman in front of him.

"My girl hates other people staring at me like this the most. I still remember what happened to the last person who stared at me like this." Yun Qing held Huo Linghu in her arms, and her slender hands While helping Huo Linghu to smooth its fur, Yun Qing only stared at Huo Linghu's snow-white fur, but every word and sentence was full of chilling murderous intent.The Huo Linghu also felt the chill from this woman, and in her arms, he squeaked and squeaked at Shangguan Piaomiao, showing the sharp fangs, as a warning.Yun Qing smiled lightly, followed Huo Linghu's fur and said with a smile: "Hey, you will scare our 'guests' like this. If you scare them, this will be...not fun." That sentence, Yun Qing bit it even harder, that means.This is her place, and the group of Shangguan Miumiao is just a group of bandits who came here uninvited and trespassed on other people's territory.She has always been relentless when dealing with bandits who trespassed on her territory.

The corners of the mouths of the people standing next to Yun Qing twitched, how could they not understand what Yun Qing said.This girl is cursing people around the corner.

When had Shangguan Piaomiao been ridiculed by a woman like this, so all Shangguan Piaomiao's attention was on Yun Qing, and he didn't notice the Huo Linghu in Yun Qing's arms at all.

"Speak wild words. Come, take away this woman who broke into our Feng clan." Shangguan Piaomiao shouted.

"Yes." Someone rushed up immediately.

"I'll see who dares." Su Wudao yelled angrily, glared at Shangguan Yumiao, and said, "This is the place of my White Clothes Palace, old poison, if you want to play wild, you have to look at the place. This is not yours Misty Palace."

"How dare you stop Elder Ben from enforcing the law."

"Why don't I dare. If you want to take someone away in my territory, you have to pass my test first." Su Wudao replied.

"Su Wudao. Don't think that this elder is afraid to do anything to you. If you are trying to stop me, this elder will take you away with me." Shangguan Miyao gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Su Wudao raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Then I want to see if you have the ability to take away the people here." Su Wudao didn't immediately reveal Yunqing's identity, but now that he did, he would not It's fun.

"Old man, you talk a lot of nonsense." Yun Qing gave Su Wudao a dissatisfied look.At some point, a dagger appeared in his hand.Yun Qing stared at Shangguan Miumiao with cold eyes, "If you want to take this girl away, then let's see if you have the ability." After saying that, Yun Qing had already made a move.I heard from Su Wudao that this Shangguan Piaomiao is excellent in poison but mediocre in martial arts.Compared to his daughter Shangguan Meng'er, this Shangguan Piaomiao is not as good as his daughter.So: not everyone is a master of martial arts.To deal with such a person with mediocre martial arts, as long as he is not given the opportunity to use poison, Yun Qing will not take him seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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