The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 565 One accidentally killed someone

Chapter 565 I accidentally beat someone to death (2)
Yun Qing's movements were extremely fast, and Shangguan Miomiao didn't even touch a corner of Yun Qing's clothes.Instead, it was Yun Qing who was playing Shangguan Piaomiao like a monkey.Chu Limo, Su Baiyi, and Su Wudao who stood watching from the side smiled.This girl deliberately made Shangguan Miu make a fool of herself in front of everyone.Thinking about it, it's a disgraceful thing for a dignified elder of the Feng clan to be played around by a little girl, and for Shangguan Miumiao, it is the greatest humiliation in his life!
Before Shangguan Piaomiao had time to react, Yun Qing's dagger was already on Shangguan Piaomiao's neck.If it hadn't been for the old man's promise to help him clean up the scum of the Feng clan, this Shangguan Piaomiao would still be useful for the time being. Just now Yun Qing had cut Shangguan Piaomiao's neck instead of saving his life.

"Tell me, if this girl's hand moves slightly, you will go to see the King of Hades. Don't you want to take this girl away? Just like you, you still want to take this girl away." Yun Qing's tone was full of Disdain and ridicule.

"You dare to hurt the Great Elder, do you think you can escape?" The people in Misty Palace warned, staring at Yun Qing's hand.

"Escape. Hehe." Yun Qing felt that this was the best joke she had ever heard.When did she, Nangong Yunqing, need to escape? "Who said that this girl is going to run away. But you, you should think about whether you are going to run away, because this girl will not show mercy to you." Yun Qing can not kill Shangguan Mimiao for the time being, but it doesn't mean she won't Kill these little guys brought by Shangguan Piaomiao.These people were also accomplices in the past, helping Shangguan Piaomiao to harm her mother.For these murderers, Yun Qing's rule is that he will never let them go.

Shangguan's misty eyes sank, and the hand under the sleeve moved.This action of his did not hide from the eyes of Chu Limo and Su Baiyi.At the same time, the two swept over with a sharp palm wind, and Shangguan Piaomiao was thrown away.He spat out a mouthful of blood.The poison powder in Shangguan Yaomiao's hand was also sprinkled on the faces of his subordinates in an instant.Immediately, the group of subordinates screamed in pain, and not long after, they died tragically under the poisonous powder one by one.

Shangguan Piaomiao never thought that he would be discovered if he tried to use poison, and even killed his own people by mistake.

"What a law enforcement elder of the Feng clan is such a sinister villain. I have seen it today." Chu Limo said coldly.He walked towards Yun Qing, and stopped in front of Yun Qing, "You always put yourself in danger like this, I will be worried."

Knowing that this man was really angry, Yun Qing pouted, looked at Chu Limo aggrievedly and complained: "He wanted to kill me."

"Then let him disappear." Chu Limo's words were very cold, without a trace of warmth.He doesn't allow anyone to hurt Yun Qing.The sentence disappearing is also very light, but Yun Qing knows that Chu Limo really wants to kill this Shangguan Miu Miao, not just joking.She, a person who doesn't know martial arts, can also see the palms of these two people just now, they used a lot of strength.This Shangguan's ethereal internal organs have been shattered, and it is really a miracle that he can still hold his breath now.

"Su Wudao, Su Baiyi, you dare to collude with outsiders to deal with this elder. This matter, this elder will not let it go." Shangguan Piaomiao fell to the ground and stared at Su Wudao and Su Baiyi fiercely.At this age, it was the first time someone pointed a knife at his neck. This incident was his shame.But he also knew that this time, he was seriously injured, and if no one healed him, he would die immediately.

Su Baiyi has always been very indifferent, not speaking, nor denying what Shangguan said.But Shangguan Piaomiao shouldn't have, absolutely shouldn't, shouldn't have messed with her.

(End of this chapter)

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