The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 567: Saving Shangguan Meng'er Yunqing's Plan

Chapter 567: Saving Shangguan Meng'er Yunqing's Plan (1)
"Old man, what do you mean. If I want to get that handbook, I have to become your spiritual girl. Only then can I enter the Holy Land openly." Yun Qing gritted his teeth angrily.She felt that she was being tricked by this old man.

"Girl, you are right." Su Wudao laughed.

Yun Qing gritted his teeth, stared at Su Wudao bitterly, and said, "You should hurry up and clean up the door. To save a scum like Shangguan Miu Miao from appearing."

Mentioning this matter, Su Wudao fainted.Now Shangguan Piaomiao is dead.But how many people has he colluded with over the years.How much information about the Feng clan has been leaked is unknown now.From now on, it may not be easy for the Feng clan to live in seclusion.

Just after taking two steps, Yun Qing turned around again and said, "Shangguan Piaomiao is dead now, how is Shangguan Menger doing now?" Shangguan Menger was seriously injured by Chu Limo, and was poisoned by Huo Linghu. It should be dead.However, she really wanted to see how Shangguan Menger would react when she knew that her father died tragically in order to avenge her.

"Girl, what the hell are you planning?"

"What kind of idea can this girl have on her?" Yun Qingchao rolled his eyes at Su Wudao, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said sarcastically, "However, my father is dead. Such a big matter should always be left to this future "spiritual girl." 'Miss knows it!" Yun Qing smiled a little darkly, but she would not die because of Shangguan Piaomiao.She just forgot about Shangguan Piaomiao harming her mother.There is a saying that goes well: the father pays the son the debt.Since Shangguan Meng'er is not dead yet, let's repay the debt before she dies.Of course, before that, she promised the old man's business, and she still had to finish it.Shangguan Piaomiao is dead, but the people that Shangguan Piaomiao colluded with have no clues. However, with Shangguan Meng'er around, it will not be difficult.Shangguan Meng'er would know more or less about Shangguan Piaomiao's collusion with outsiders.

"I will accompany you to Misty Palace." Su Baiyi said lightly.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded in response.

I don't know if it's blood relationship, or because they are twins, Yun Qing feels that Su Baiyi understands her intention to go to Misty Palace to meet Shangguan Meng'er.However, the old man suddenly told them the news that Su Baiyi was her brother, she thought, not only herself, but Su Baiyi is still digesting it now.After all, this incident was too sudden.But Yun Qing also understood that Su Baiyi was sincerely protecting himself.Otherwise, he would not have shot so hard when Shangguan Piaomiao hurt himself, and even ordered people to throw Shangguan Piaomiao into the river to feed the boa constrictor, so that Shangguan Piaomiao died without a whole body.

Misty Palace.

With Su Baiyi leading the way, no one dared to stop Yun Qing and Chu Limo.Besides, the fact that Yun Qing hurt Shangguan Meng'er had already spread throughout the underground palace.Their pre-determined spiritual girls have all been hurt like this, who of them has the guts to stop them and go to die.

Shangguan Meng'er was seriously injured, and was scratched by Huo Linghu.It should have been certain death.But Shangguan Meng'er's father, Shangguan Piaomiao, spent his whole life in poisoning, and he didn't know what method he used to temporarily suppress the toxicity on Shangguan Meng'er's face that was injured by the Huo Linghu's poison, so that the toxicity could not stop for a while. will spread.However, the toxicity did not spread to other places, but Shangguan Menger's face, which was not beautiful at first, was swollen due to the strong toxicity, not only the face was swollen, but the scratched face The place is already running thick water.The whole face is disgusting to look at.Even if Shangguan Meng'er survived, if the poison was detoxified, this face would also be ruined.To her, having her face ruined was worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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