The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 568: Saving Shangguan Meng'er Yunqing's Plan

Chapter 568: Saving Shangguan Meng'er Yunqing's Plan (2)
The people in Misty Palace saw Yun Qing and others coming in, and stared at Yun Qing and Chu Limo vigilantly.But due to the presence of Su Baiyi, he did not dare to act rashly.

Shangguan Meng'er could only lie on the bed because of her serious injury.But seeing her swollen face that was still dripping with thick water, everyone was disgusted.

Shangguan Meng'er opened her eyes, saw Su Baiyi at the first sight, and felt joyful in her heart, "Brother Baiyi..." But thinking of her face now, she must be very embarrassed, she doesn't want brother Baiyi to see her ugly face Allow.Shangguan Meng'er gently moved her face away, but once she moved, her face and body would feel unbearable pain.But no matter how painful she was, she just wanted to hide under the blanket, so that her elder brother in white wouldn't see her like this.

Su Baiyi didn't speak, but sat down on a chair beside him. He came here to accompany Yun Qing...and his sister.Seeing Su Baiyi remained silent, Shangguan Meng'er's heart tightened.She wanted to turn around and look at Su Baiyi, but she didn't have the courage.She was afraid that her current ugly face would make her brother in white even more disgusted.

Yun Qing and Chu Limo also came in from the outside.Yun Qing could see Shangguan Meng'er's obsession and affection for this elder brother.It's just a pity that Shangguan Meng'er is Shangguan Piaomiao's daughter, and what's even more pity is that Su Baiyi doesn't bother to look at her at all.Yun Qing and Chu Limo also sat down on the chairs casually, and Yun Qing even raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly at Shangguan Meng'er lying on the bed.

Shangguan Meng'er will never forget this voice.It was the owner of this voice who caused her to become like this. Regardless of the pain on her face, Shangguan Meng'er turned around abruptly, staring at Yun Qing with vicious and resentful eyes, "Bitch, What are you doing here?"

"Bitch!" Yun Qing chuckled, "It seems that this bitch, Miss Meng'er, has not learned to be good, and has forgotten the scars on her body so quickly. However, this girl is in a good mood today, and she is as lazy as you are." .Of course, with your current face, I really can't do it...It will really dirty my hands." At the latter sentence, Yun Qing laughed even more sarcastically.

"Bitch, get out of my room. Get out!" Shangguan Menger's heart was broken right now.Not only because his face was ruined, but also because Su Baiyi gave him comfort and glanced at him from the moment he entered the door.However, her elder brother in white was staring at this bitch.How could this keep her from breaking down.However, what made her even more devastated was yet to come.

I saw Yun Qing smiled lightly, tapped the table with her fingers lightly, and said lightly: "I am here to bring two pieces of news to you, the bitch, Miss Meng'er. I believe that after hearing these two pieces of news, You will thank me."

"I don't want to hear it, get out! Get out of here. Someone, drive them out." Shangguan Meng'er shouted hysterically.She doesn't want to listen to anything about this woman and brother in white, she doesn't want to listen.She was afraid that she would completely collapse after listening to it.

"It's okay if you don't listen." Yun Qing smiled, and said the rest very slowly, "The first news is...your father...Shangguan Piaomiao, he, has, died,"

Shock!Devastating blow.

This news was a devastating blow to Shangguan Meng'er.Father is dead!Father is dead!She is in the Feng clan, and she has no support in this world.

"You, Hu, say, my father...he won't die." Shangguan Meng'er stared at Yun Qing.She didn't believe what she said, she didn't believe her father was dead.

"Since you don't believe me, then I can show mercy and send you to meet your father, but this is on the way to Huangquan. It is estimated that your father will not have time to wait for you. Because...he has no bones left now." Yun Qing Said lightly.All this seems to say how good the weather is today.After a pause, Yunqing continued: "However, you can rest assured that this girl will not send you to meet your father on Huangquan Road now. Of course, if you want to go by yourself, this girl will not stop you."

(End of this chapter)

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