The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 570: Lord of the Feng Clan, Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 570: Lord of the Feng Clan, Hongmen Banquet (1)
In the living room of the White Clothes Palace, Chu Limo had already bandaged Yun Qing's wound.Seeing the affectionate look of the two, Su Wudao couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.Can't these two people show their affection to another place?Didn't you see that he was a lonely old man here?Su Baiyi, on the other hand, directly shielded the two of them as air.He said that watching too much hurts the eyes.

Yun Qing told Su Wudao and Su Baiyi about her plan, she deliberately provoked Shangguan Menger's hatred towards them, and she wanted Shangguan Menger to seek revenge from them.As long as Shangguan Meng'er recovers from her injury, she wants to take revenge. Since she doesn't have the power at all, she will definitely go down the mountain to find those people his father colluded with back then.At that time, as long as they send people to follow Shangguan Meng'er, they will know who those people Shangguan Piaomiao has colluded with.

When the time comes, those people, whether they want to kill them or destroy them, will be none of Yun Qing's business.

After listening to Yun Qing's words, Su Wudao directly praised Yun Qing for being smart and capable.He knew that this girl would not care about the affairs of the Feng clan.

Yun Qing ignored Su Wudao's praise.She did all this just for the notebook.If it wasn't for that notebook, she wouldn't have put in so much effort to do such troublesome things for herself.

After explaining the matter clearly to the old man, Yun Qing was exhausted.Since Shangguan Meng'er came to find fault in the morning, and now Shangguan Piaomiao came, she has been tired all day.Now things are finally done.No matter what, she should take a good rest and catch up on sleep.Yun Qing also ordered that no one should disturb her until it was time for dinner.Then, he closed the room, threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

Yun Qing went back to the room, and the other people naturally went back to their own rooms and went to do their own things.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing made such a big commotion in Baiyi Palace and Misty Palace, the entire underground palace knew about it.The master of the Feng clan was also furious after knowing this.He threatened to arrest Chu Limo and Yun Qing, the two people who caused trouble in the underground palace, and deal with them according to the rules of the Feng clan.

Yun Qing had just fallen asleep for a while, when the head of the Feng clan sent someone to the door.Moreover, the person sent this time was the young master of the Feng clan who came in person.

The young master invited him personally, so it is necessary to give him a little face no matter what.So, Yun Qing jumped up from the bed, looked at the bandaged hands that looked like rice dumplings, Yun Qing came to the living room of the White Clothes Palace regardless of what to do.

In the living room, upon hearing the news, Su Wudao hurriedly came from the room to the living room to personally receive the young master.As for Yun Qing's elder brother, Su Baiyi, after seeing Chu Limo and Yun Qing's sloppy attitude, he said that he hurt his eyes from watching too much, and went back to his room directly after returning from Misty Palace.

The first thing Yun Qing saw when he saw Feng Linghao was that this man was about thirty years old, dressed in a green shirt, and his appearance was fairly handsome, but it was because of his frail body that his originally handsome appearance changed. It's a little strange.It seems that when the wind blows, it will be blown down.This is a sick child who will die at any time.Before Feng Linghao opened his mouth to speak, he had to cough for a long time before he could fully utter a word.It is conceivable how cruel her mother was when she hurt a living person like this.However, Yun Qing didn't feel that her mother did anything wrong at all. If it was her, she would do the same thing at the beginning, even a hundred times.What the Feng clan owed them was a debt that their Feng clan could not pay off.

(End of this chapter)

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