The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 571: Lord of the Feng Clan, Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 571: Lord of the Feng Clan, Hongmen Banquet (2)
"Cough cough...cough cough...the young master and the girl must be...cough cough...cough cough." Feng Linghao held his chest and coughed a few more times.It seemed that the whole lung was about to be coughed out.After coughing, he felt better and said again: "I'm sorry. I have been weak and sick since I was a child. I made you two laugh."

Yun Qing stared at this Feng Linghao, he seemed to have a kind tone, gentle and harmless, but he was able to survive her mother's severe injury, Yun Qing did not believe that he would really be so harmless one person.Moreover, the Lord of the Feng family should want to deal with them, but he will not treat them as VIPs.But this Feng Linghao looked like he didn't want to offend them. Presumably, he must have a plan.

As for what he is planning, Yun Qing does not know for the time being.However, what people pursue in this life is nothing more than money, power, glory and wealth.

"I don't know what's the matter with the young master coming here at this time?" Su Wudao asked as if he didn't know anything.

"Ahem...Father heard that two guests came to the White Clothes Palace. Father wanted to meet these two guests, so he specially arranged a banquet in Fengtian Palace to welcome them." Feng Linghao coughed and brought the purpose here.

Yun Qing curled his lips into a smile, but, are you sure this is a specially prepared banquet to welcome them, not a Hongmen banquet?
"Young master, please go back and tell the master that after the two guests came here, they are sick and are not suitable for the banquet. The old man thanked you here, and the old man will explain to the master in person when the time comes." Su Wudao Respectfully said.For this young master, Su Wudao is still respectful and polite.But, this time, he couldn't let them go to the banquet.Su Wudao was not afraid that the Lord would embarrass them, but he was afraid that this girl and this boy would beat them to death by mistake.After all, the precedent of Shangguan Misty just happened.

Yun Qing murmured in her heart: You are just sick.This girl is standing here properly, old man, you are still talking nonsense with your eyes open!Looking at the old man Su Wudao, Yun Qing naturally saw through the glimmer of worry in his eyes.Yun Qing believed that Su Wudao would never be worried about her.Yun Qing immediately thought of something.The corner of his mouth twitched, the old man didn't believe them so much.Killing Shangguan Piaomiao was purely accidental, okay?
However, Yun Qing couldn't guarantee that such an accident would happen again.If the lord of the Feng clan wanted to hurt her, she probably wouldn't have to take action. She didn't know if Su Baiyi would do it, but Chu Limo would definitely kill the Feng clan without hesitation. The Lord was killed.

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Feng Linghao coughed violently, the coughing sound almost collapsed the White Clothes Palace.Feng Linghao never thought that the elder Dharma protector would refuse aloud.

"Young master, your health is important, you should go back and rest. This old man will explain this matter clearly to the master." Su Wudao continued.

Feng Linghao waved his hands and supported his chest, "Our Feng clan has always been sincere in hospitality, but now the elder protector is blocking it so that others will know, maybe our Feng clan has a good way to treat guests."

"Since the young master of the Feng clan came here in person, how could he not be rewarded. Qingqing, you say yes." At this time, Chu Limo suddenly spoke, looked at Yun Qing and smiled.Yun Qing also immediately understood the meaning of Chu Limo's words, and nodded with a smile.Chu Limo said again: "The young master is so kind, please wait a moment, let us change our clothes and come."

"Please." Feng Linghao supported his coughing chest and made a gentle gesture of asking.

In the room, Yun Qing changed into the same white clothes as Chu Limo.After meeting Chu Limo, all her clothes were prepared by Chu Limo for her, and the clothes Chu Limo prepared for her were the same as the white clothes on him. Yun Qing seldom wore blue or Purple, pink clothes.Yun Qing didn't care about these small details.It seemed that she would wear whatever Chu Limo gave her, as if it had been subtly influenced.

(End of this chapter)

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