The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 581 Nangong Jindao

Chapter 581 Nangong Jindao (3)
"Miss, you haven't forgiven us yet. What happened last night, Feng and father sincerely want to make amends to the young master. If the girl doesn't reward you, then she won't accept our apology." Although Feng Linghao said It sounded like a sincere apology, but there was a hint of hatred in that tone.Everyone is not a fool, and it's not that they can't see it.It's just that Yun Qing is too lazy to tell the truth.

"Ahem..." At this moment, Chu Limo coughed lightly.Seems to be in poor health.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, gently gave Chu Limo a go, and smiled at Chu Limo.This man really looks like that.However, he pretended to be sick, how could she not cooperate.Yun Qing said softly: "Is the wind and cold still not healed?" Then, Yun Qing turned around to look at Feng Linghao with apologetic expression, and said, "Master Feng, my husband has been infected with the wind and cold for the past few days and has not recovered. I also ask Young Master Feng to go back and tell Patriarch Feng, we have already felt his apology. When your husband recovers, we will definitely go to see him in person."

"Caught a cold. Is... serious?" Feng Linghao obviously didn't believe it, and nothing happened last night.Who would believe it at this time if they were infected with a cold.But, as everyone said, if he insisted on inviting them over, it would be their rudeness.But the game for the two of them has already been laid out.Just wait for the two of them to enter the game.

"It was almost healed. But I drank two glasses of wine at the banquet yesterday, and got infected again. Young Master Feng also knows that it is not suitable to drink during the wind and cold." Yun Qing scolded Feng with both inside and outside meaning. Ling Hao made a toast to Chu Limo last night.

"Cough... this matter is's because Feng was too happy last night, and didn't notice that the young master was caught with the wind and cold for a while. Now that the young master has relapsed, Feng feels even more uneasy. Just now Well, there is a doctor with excellent medical skills in Fengtian Palace. It is thanks to this doctor that he has treated Fengmou all these years. Fengmou can live until now. It's just that this doctor has bad legs and feet, so he can't come to the White Clothes Palace. If you don't mind, my son, Why don't you go to Fengtian Palace with Feng. Ask the doctor to show you and prescribe some medicine. The weather in this snow-capped mountain is already cold, but now you have a relapse of wind and cold, let the doctor see you, and you will recover sooner." Feng Linghao tried every means to 'invite' the two to Fengtian Palace.

"There is no need to be so troublesome. It will be good to have my young master in his cold for a few days... Besides, not everyone can treat him." Nangong Jin, who went up the mountain overnight, arrived at this time.That tone was sharp, and he didn't take Feng Linghao seriously at all.Although Yun Qing didn't say anything in the letter, he only said that he was worried about Chu Limo's health and needed him to go up the mountain in time.But on the way here, Nangong Jin listened to Ling Feng a lot.Therefore, I have a general understanding of what happened last night.

"You're here." Yun Qing frowned, her big brother must have appeared too timely.Also, can you keep a low profile.With such a high-profile appearance, is it possible that people from the Feng clan don't know about him?

"Didn't you hear that someone was sick? Master came here to save someone." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and said.But he didn't even look at Feng Linghao from the corner of his eyes.

"This son is...?"

Before Yun Qing could answer, Nangong Jin answered first.He just took one look at Feng Linghao and then turned his eyes away, it seems that even looking at Feng Linghao is the same thing that hurts the eyes.Yun Qing couldn't help curling her lips.Her big brother, at least she should give others a little face.After all, he is also Young Master Feng.She really discovered a very strange thing, her big brothers, one by one have a common problem, but also a strange flower.It seems that they all hate the Feng family, and they don't like the people of the Feng family.However, how could Yun Qing remember that he had never saved any face for this Young Master Feng.Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "Nangong Jin, Your Excellency is..."

"Feng Linghao." Feng Linghao cupped his hands and said.

However, Nangong Jin ignored Feng Linghao and walked directly in front of Chu Limo. Feng Linghao couldn't help standing there in embarrassment.Nangong Jin took Chu Limo's pulse, frowned, "Your body..."

Chu Limo changed hands and held Nangong Jin's hand tightly, and said lightly, "It's nothing, it's just the wind and cold."

Nangong Jin was so angry that he wanted to beat Chu Limo up, his body was fine, it was just a cold.There is clearly a problem with his body.

Feng Linghao said again: "I wonder if Mr. Nangong is...?"

Nangong Jin was impatient, and said bluntly: "His exclusive doctor. Now, I am going to treat his illness. May I ask Mr. Feng if you can leave." Feng Linghao turned pale immediately.Seeing that this person was so annoying, Nangong Jin said so bluntly but still didn't leave.I don't want to pay attention to this person, Chu Limo's body is the most important thing now.Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing and said, "Go to your room, I'll take a closer look for you." After finishing speaking, he turned and looked at Feng Linghao, and said bluntly, "Mr. Feng, if you want to stay here and wait, please Forgive us for not being with you." Then, she left the living room arrogantly.Feng Linghao was left with a sullen and resentful face.

(End of this chapter)

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