The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 582 Why Didn’t You Tell Her About Your Body

Chapter 582 Why Didn’t You Tell Her About Your Body (1)
White Clothes Palace!Chu Limo's room.

Nangong Jin was not joking to feel Chu Limo's pulse, but was serious about feeling Chu Limo's pulse.Seeing the serious look on Nangong Jin's face, Yun Qing's heart suddenly became tense.

"Brother, Li Mo's body... is it alright?"

Chu Limo was holding Nangong Jin's hand tightly at this moment, implying that Nangong Jin should not tell about his poor health.Nangong Jin glanced at Chu Limo first, then raised his head to look at Yun Qing, and then turned his face away, "With your elder brother here, what can happen to his body."

"Are you really all right?" Looking at their strange looks, Yun Qing was still a little worried.

"What can be the matter. He just drank the drugged wine last night, but fortunately he was forced out last night. There is no serious problem now. Don't worry, sister. There is a saying that is not good: The scourge lasted for thousands of years. His scourge is estimated to be 1 years old. Sister, you go out and fetch a pot of hot water and come in. I will clean up the poison from last night for him. Also, get me something to eat, brother. I'm starving to death." But last night when he received a letter, he didn't stop for a moment, and ran up the mountain in the middle of the night.Who knows that seeing this guy now is more serious than he imagined.

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, nodded, "Okay." Then he turned and left the room.When Yunqing had really left the room, Nangong Jin changed his face in an instant, glared at Chu Limo fiercely, and cursed: "Your body is already like this, you are still holding on, you are dying. The old man gave you a continuation Where is the life-extending pill? Hurry up and eat the life-extending pill."

"Didn't you hear what your old man said. Once I take the life extension pill, I only have three years to live. After three years, if I can't find the antidote..." Chu Limo said calmly, but with some bitterness.

"In three years, don't you believe that I can find an antidote for you in three years? If you don't take it now, let alone three months, you can't even last three days. If I don't come, How long do you want to keep it a secret?" Nangong Jin scolded angrily.

"At least I can last three months, three days is good. I can be with Qingqing for three months, even if we are together for three days, I am happy. I said, after three months, if I I can't take it anymore, aren't you still here?" Chu Limo laughed.In that laughter, there was endless bitterness and forbearance.It was because he knew that his body had reached its limit that he did not refuse when Qingqing asked Nangong Jin to go up the mountain.Now, he needs Nangong Jin to help him.

"You dare to believe me!" Nangong Jin snorted.Looking at Chu Limo, "Why didn't you tell her...your body has reached its limit. You can't last three months in this state at most."

"So what if I tell Qingqing. It's not just to make Qingqing worry. Now that I'm talking, instead of making Qingqing worry for three months, I just want to spend three months happily with Qingqing. If there are only three years left in my life, I just want to spend three years happily with Qingqing as a fairy couple." But for him, three years is too short after all, he is not reconciled He only had three years with Qingqing.

"I don't know that you are still so infatuated. I don't know whether it is her luck or her misfortune that my sister met you." Nangong Jin laughed at himself.Nangong Jin took out a pill from the bottle and gave it to Chu Limo, who took it.Nangong Jin gave the whole bottle of medicine to Chu Limo and said: "You take this bottle of medicine, but you have to remember that this medicine can only temporarily relieve the pain in your body. As for how long it can relieve, it depends on how long you can persist. How long has it been. And you have to remember that you can’t take too much of this medicine. After all, it is three-point poisonous. I just hope that my sister will be happy every day after meeting you. I will make her happy forever go down."

(End of this chapter)

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