The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 585 Assassination of Blood Sacrifice in the Dark Night

Chapter 585 Assassination of Blood Sacrifice in the Dark Night (1)
That night!It was dark in the dungeon.But Baiyi Palace and Fengtian Palace are still brightly lit.There is a kind of quiet terror in the quiet underground palace.Everyone also seemed to smell blood.Everyone is not a fool, this seemingly peaceful night, tonight is going to be very peaceful.

No matter what will happen tonight, but at this moment, the White Clothes Palace is full of laughter.

I don't know what's going on, Su Wudao, an old man, actually has a feeling of resentment when he sees Nangong Jin.Obviously there are still people outside who are eyeing them, but because of Nangong Jin's arrival, Su Wudao insisted on holding a small welcome party for Nangong Jin.No, Su Wudao, the old man, got drunk for a while.After drinking too much, the whole person also started talking nonsense.

"Old man, I haven't been so happy drinking for a long time. Come on, I'm toasting you." Su Wudao raised his glass and toasted Nangong Jin directly.Nangong Jin didn't refuse either, "It's been a long time since I've been so happy drinking, I didn't expect to meet a bosom friend here." After speaking, he drank directly.

However, speaking of it, apart from his excellent medical skills, Nangong Jin can come and go freely in the water.The most powerful thing should be drinking.After all, he has another reputation, that is, he often hangs around the places of Fengyue, and has won the title of "Master Fengyue".

Yun Qing watched her elder brother drink after drink, but he was not drunk yet.Can't help but think of this matter.She still remembered that when Nongyue mentioned Nangong Jin to her for the first time, she said that Nangong Jin only loved beauties, as long as it was a woman he liked, he would definitely hook her up.But it will never be more than a day after you get it, and it will be abandoned.

If it wasn't for seeing Nangong Jin drinking today, Yun Qing would have almost forgotten that there is still this trouble.

Yun Qing even has some doubts now, whether her elder brother's attitude towards Bai Yue is because he is too carefree.

Yun Qing turned to look at Chu Limo who was next to him. The two of them knew each other best, and Chu Limo also knew everything about Nangong Jin.Yun Qing asked in a low voice: "My elder brother, has he failed many girls these years?" Yun Qing asked a little more reservedly, and did not directly say how many girls Nangong Jin had slept with.But Chu Limo also understood the meaning of Yun Qing's words, Chu Limo smiled lightly, "What does Qingqing want to know."

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin who was drinking with Su Wudao, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's nothing. I just wanted to ask because of sudden curiosity."

Chu Limo felt that it was necessary to explain for Nangong Jin, because he always felt that there was something in the clear words that was aimed at him.Qingqing almost didn't say whether he had failed many women.

If Qingqing really misunderstood him about this matter, he would really be wronged.

"Qingqing, there is actually one thing I haven't told you." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing seriously and said, "Nangong Jin has been looking for your whereabouts all these years, but what clues did you have when your mother left? Nothing was left behind either. Only your father drew a picture of your mother. At that time, no one knew what you would look like when you grew up. Nangong Jin was looking for you. So he often lingered in Fengyue places. As long as If he sees a stunning beauty who is an orphan, he will find a way to find out whether that person is you. Over time, rumors began to spread in the market that Nangong Jin only loves the absolute beauty, but after getting it, he will not touch it again. Legend If there are too many of them, his reputation as a playboy will come. Everyone gave him the title of Fengyue Gongzi. Qingqing also knows that with his face, no matter how playful he is, there are countless women who follow him one after another."

(End of this chapter)

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