The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 586 Assassination of Blood Sacrifice in the Dark Night

Chapter 586 Assassination of Blood Sacrifice in the Dark Night (2)
The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, then say so.In fact, the eldest brother has such a reputation as a playboy because of her.

After a pause, Chu Limo leaned into Yun Qing's ear and said softly: "As for how many women Nangong Jin has failed, I have to ask Nangong Jin himself. Qingqing can rest assured, I will be from head to toe , extremely pure, all belong to Qingqing alone."

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, she was extremely pure.Obviously a big bad wolf.

At the banquet, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, and Su Baiyi didn't drink a single drop.Su Baiyi was even farther away from his drunken master.Chu Limo and Yun Qing also sat and watched from afar.In the end, it was because Su Wudao was already so drunk that he passed out that the banquet broke up.

But at this moment, the others were sleepless at all.Nangong Jin was not drunk, but extremely sober.

His deep eyes glanced at Su Wudao who was already drunk. After Su Baiyi was silent all night, he gently picked up the wine glass in his hand, put it to his nose and smelled it, "Although the wine is fragrant, it can be drunk if you drink too much. It's numb. But it's good if you can really forget all the pain. If you want to get drunk, then get drunk. What should come, will come after all."

However, I don't know if he is really drunk, or just using alcohol to numb himself.Allowing himself to escape the bloodshed he least wanted to see.But no matter what it is, maybe only Su Wudao knows it.

In the middle of the night, the sound of fighting came from outside the palace in white.In the bottomless night, one by one fell, and after falling, someone would still jump up, and then someone would still fall.This fight lasted the whole night.Until the last one also lay down.Blood stained the gate of the White Clothes Palace red.

"Let's clean up this place." Su Baiyi's voice was very soft.It's so light that it almost makes people think that these things to be disposed of are not corpses or blood, but garbage.But even if the White Clothes Palace is cleaned up, this assassination actually happened.

In Fengtian Palace, when Feng Tianlan received the news that none of the people he sent was alive, the whole person seemed to be dozens of years old in an instant.This time, he lost again.

the next day.

This is the most important day for the Feng clan.The day of the blood sacrifice of the spiritual girl.Once the spirit girl's blood sacrifice is over, their Feng clan will have a new spirit girl.

However, today's blood sacrifice was missing the most important person, and that was their original spiritual daughter, Shangguan Meng'er.

However, today's protagonist is not her.The Great Elder of the Feng Clan is dead.The patriarch Feng Tianlan is also old, and the young master is a sick child.The day of the blood sacrifice that everyone was looking forward to was still held.Accompanied by Su Wudao and Su Baiyi, Yun Qing walked up to the high platform with Huo Linghu in his arms.Under the stage, Chu Limo and Nangong Jin stood below watching her every move.Under the high platform, hundreds of excited Feng clan members stared at the woman who appeared on the high platform and the fox she was holding in her arms.As members of the Feng clan, no one would not know what this fox represents.

Seeing Yun Qing and Huo Linghu appearing together on the high platform.Feng Tianlan's old eyes seemed to be poisoned.Vicious eyes stared at Yun Qing.

"Elder Dharma Protector, who is this woman?" Some people still questioned Yun Qing's appearance.

"Yes! Who is this woman?"

"who is it!"

"She is not from my Feng clan, why is she standing here. Come down!"

"Get down!"

"Not from my Feng clan, but participating in our Feng clan's blood sacrifice. She must be a spy sent from the outside. Kill this woman to sacrifice to the lord Ling Nu."

(End of this chapter)

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