The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 587 Assassination of Blood Sacrifice in the Dark Night

Chapter 587 Assassination of Blood Sacrifice in the Dark Night (3)

To the voices of countless questioning, Yun Qing just smiled lightly.If they hadn't planned to use this opportunity to avenge her mother and grandmother openly, she wouldn't want the blood sacrifice to become a spiritual girl.

After someone speaks, countless people will ask questions.However, looking at the voice behind, it seems that some people should not give up yet, and want to pre-emptively kill her by taking the opportunity.

"Quiet. Be quiet, everyone." Su Wudao gave an order, and the people under the high platform quickly fell silent.

Su Wudao cupped his hands towards Feng Tianlan who was sitting on the high platform, "My lord, the emperor pays off, and finally found the real spiritual girl of our Feng clan."

Su Wudao's "true spiritual girl" immediately made the people in the audience explode.They discussed it one after another.

Feng Tianlan squinted his deep eyes, glanced at Yun Qing, and said in a deep voice: "The real spiritual girl of our Feng clan died as early as forty years ago, you said she is the real spiritual girl of our Feng clan. Spiritual girl. Do you think that if we find someone to pretend to be a fake, we will all believe it?" No matter what, Feng Tianlan will never allow Yun Qing to become a spiritual girl. Once she becomes a spiritual girl and wants to kill her, he will Difficult.

"Yes. What the Lord said is not wrong. Our spiritual girl died more than forty years ago. Since the spiritual girl has already died, how could this girl be the spiritual girl of our Feng clan." The person who was the first to say that Yun Qing was a spy sent outside said again.

"That's it. That's it. She can't be our spiritual girl." Everyone also shouted.Hearing everyone's voices, Feng Tianlan's face flashed a gloomy look.

"Since the lord thinks she is a counterfeit, people can be counterfeit, but I want to ask, can the spirit fox of our Feng clan's spiritual girl also be counterfeit?" Su Wudao pointed to the Huo Linghu in Yun Qing's arms. road.Knowing that there would be such a mess, Yun Qing purposely hugged Huo Linghu when he came.

"..." The people in the audience couldn't be sure for a moment.This fire spirit fox is indeed the spirit fox of their Feng family's spirit daughter, and only spirit women can approach it.

Yun Qing smiled lightly, looked at the people under the high stage, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why do you say that I am not your spiritual girl? Do you have any evidence to prove that I am not? And this girl just happens to be able to get Show evidence to prove that I am your spiritual girl." Yun Qing spoke with confidence and arrogance.

Nangong Jin, who was watching Yun Qing from the audience, rolled her eyes, and glanced at the man next to her, "My sister is not easy to provoke, you must never provoke her in the future."

Chu Limo's gentle eyes kept looking at the woman on the high platform, and said lightly: "Do you think if Qingqing is going to get angry one day, will she turn towards me or towards you?"

Nangong Jin really wanted to slap himself, why ask such a boring question.If his sister angered her in the future, she would of course be angry at... him.

For Yun Qing's words of confidence, those who were a little emotional just now also stopped.Especially with the fox in her arms.Everyone is half believing and half skeptical.As for those people that Feng Tianlan deliberately arranged, because everyone stopped, he didn't dare to be too blatant.

"Old man, can we start?" Yun Qing sneered at Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao before asking Su Wudao beside him.

"Girl. Go." Su Wudao knew that today's incident was unavoidable.

There is a statue of a spiritual girl on the high platform. It is said that this statue is the body left by the first generation of spiritual girls. It has been thousands of years, but it is still intact.Every generation of spiritual girls who want blood sacrifices only need to drop a drop of their own blood on the body of the god statue, and as long as the dripped blood merges into the body of the god statue, it will be expressed.This person is the spiritual daughter of the Feng clan.But if you can't blend in, it means that this person is not a spiritual girl.

Yun Qing slowly walked in front of the statue, looking at the statue that has been around for thousands of years, the person in front of her should be her ancestor.Yun Qing looked at the statue seriously, and she found a very strange thing, their faces would be completely different from generation to generation, but they would have exactly the same pair of eyes.The first generation of spiritual girls was like this, her grandmother was like this, her mother was like this, and now, even she is like this.Their eyes are exactly the same.Is this the so-called inheritance between their spiritual daughters?
"If you are really my ancestor, then please bless me so that you can kill the enemy with your own hands. Avenge my grandmother and mother. You must also bless me to find the antidote and save Limo." Looking at the statue , Yun Qing said softly.

Then, in front of hundreds of people, Yun Qing cut his finger and dripped blood on the statue.

This scene is too exciting.Hundreds of people stared closely at the scene on the high platform, for fear of missing any important scene.

Blood, dripping on the idol.Drop by drop, and then, at a very fast speed, slowly, slowly, it began to merge into the body of the god statue.Until it completely disappeared, and at this moment, a blue light emitted from the statue, directly entered Yun Qing's body.

"Ah..." This ray of light came too suddenly, Yun Qing cried out, but when this blue light poured into Yun Qing's body, she unexpectedly found a warm breath flowing all over her body.


"younger sister."

The two people didn't understand what the sudden blue light meant, and exclaimed in unison.The two of them flew into the air and reached the high platform.Su Wudao hurriedly stopped the two of them, and said: "The first-generation spiritual girl is passing her spiritual power to her. If you rush over now, you will only disturb her." Hearing Su Wudao's explanation, the two only felt It's all so weird.If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it at all.

But when Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao saw this ray of light, Feng Tianlan stood up from the chair in shock, and their faces sank.she is...

Seeing the blue light, the rest of the Feng clan knelt down and bowed down, shouting respectfully, "See you, Lord Ling Nu."

"Greetings, Lady Spirit Girl."

"Greetings, Lady Spirit Girl."

At this moment, no one dared to question Yun Qing's identity.

There were too many complex emotions in Su Wudao's eyes. According to the records of the Feng clan, such a thing happened once more than 1000 years ago.It is said that as long as she has been baptized with spiritual power by the first generation of spiritual women.It means one thing, the world is about to be in chaos because of the appearance of this woman.If she doesn't become the queen, she will surely die.

(End of this chapter)

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